Relational Reset by Dr. Laurel Shaler - Moody Publishers

Relational Reset by Dr. Laurel Shaler - Moody Publishers

This is that kind of book I didn't know was much needed in my life until I read it. I'm so very thankful for your writing and your investment in my life 💞.

I took a very needed long brake to read it & reset my mind about this topic. For some of us there is a long journey in front of us, about relationships, improving communication skills, being assertive, and much more. To mature implies to talk, to have some "scary" and "difficult" conversations, to listen.

I've had the opportunity to read in advance Relational Reset for the past few weeks and I recommend you friends to order yourself a copy and one for a loved one or someone who counsels people!

I Pray for those who will be picking up this book to reset and help others to do the same. We need to humble ourselves to embrace a lot of practical strategies for healing and maintaining healthy relationships. May God help us! 🙌🏽😅 

Thank you @moodypublishers @moodypublisherswomen #moodypublishers for publishing this💞✨ #Netgalley

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