180 Devotions for When Life Is Hard Encouragement for a Woman's Heart by Renae Brumbaugh Green - Barbour Publishing, Inc.

180 Devotions for When Life Is Hard Encouragement for a Woman's Heart by Renae Brumbaugh Green - Barbour Publishing, Inc.


I have found this book useful when I need to say something to a family member or friend who is suffering. Almost everyone suffers. Our every day as counselors must involve pain, hardships, trials, and turmoil. This is the first book I have by Renae Brumbauth Green. I recommend you have a little book by your side, more when you have not been suffering, you tend to forget, and you need to remember how it feels. So when the time comes and you need to be empathetic with someone it will keep you on track, at least at the beginning...

1 Dic 2018.

2 estudios bíblicos gratuitos para mujeres de 6 semanas cada uno por Elizabeth George editorial portavoz

2 estudios bíblicos gratuitos para mujeres de 6 semanas cada uno en PDF gratis, 
por Elizabeth George de Editorial Portavoz

💝Amiga descarga #gratis aquí: ---> http://bit.ly/2S6fT7o estos estudios de 6 semanas para #mujeres. Puedes compartir y etiquetar a otras amigas para que aprovechen. #Gracias @editorialportavoz por este útil regalo 🎁. #mujerdefamilia #lamujerquequieroser .

El gran engaño | Dios Aviva las Naciones | Testimonio de Reyna Orozco Meraz en Aviva Nuestros Corazones


Por: Reyna Orozco Meraz.

Reyna, aunque creció en un entorno cristiano, no recibió una instrucción específica sobre la feminidad bíblica. Así que, al ir creciendo, prestó más atención a las enseñanzas del sistema que continuamente le repetía que, «entre más cosas consigas y más logros tengas, puedes definir tu valor como mujer». Para lograrlo, parte de su lista era, «Yo nunca me voy a casar y no voy a tener hijos», porque consideraba que interferían con sus planes. Ella nos cuenta cómo se transforma su corazón, pues no sólo encuentra un hombre conforme al corazón de Dios que la motiva a cambiar sus planes, además encuentra la verdad que la lleva a encontrarse con la feminidad bíblica.



----¡Déjanos tu comentario y únete a la conversación!----

Artículo escrito por Reyna Orozco Meraz para el Ministerio Aviva Nuestros Corazones ® www.avivanuestroscorazones.com

El material publicado en esta página se encuentra disponible para ser compartido gratuitamente, en cuyo caso, agradecemos su integridad al citar la fuente en respeto a nuestros derechos de autor.


MARRIAGE Its Foundation, Theology, and Mission in a Changing World by Curt Hamner, John Trent (General Editors) - Moody

Before we were married, my husband and I knew we wanted to help families. We knew it because there was this deep desire God placed inside our hearts. God does that for a reason. We knew how painful and broken people are when they come from broken families. It may seem an irony that broken people try to help broken people, but that is how many times the Lord wants to do it, so the glory remains His, forever. 

We never imagined being able to help other couples by teaching and counseling. We still learning, we still depending on God's grace to do so. We will depend in Him forever. This book is a blessing in so many ways. First, the authors care about the Bible and about what God thinks about marriage. We can not deny that we live in an era where the importance of it seems to fade for many. 

This book, with 448 pages and a very small font, won't be a book that you finish very fast. Inside, you will find theology, cultural and practical actual issues about marriage. Some of the topics are: singleness (yes, you read that right), forgiveness, healing, gender, divorce, remarriage, the mission of God, the community in the body of Christ, biblical counseling, and many more. 

If you read it you will perceive the great job five editors did, putting together gracefully more than 40 authors. It amazes me and I'd love to know more about their process to accomplish this.

When I read the dedication my eyes got teary: "With the hope o setting forth the glory of Christian marriage as it was from the beginning, the editors dedicate this book to the generations to come, our children and our children's children and their generations, "for a time we cannot see". Those words are some of the same Crawford W. Loritts Jr. uses in one of the last chapters. He made me cry.

We also want to invest in a time we will not see. That is our prayer. God, find our hearts faithful to do this, to live it our, your plans and your design for families, marriages and parents for your glory, so many more may know you. 

I like to read from professors and experts, you learn a lot doing so. The fact that the book took more than 4 years to be written and more than 40 authors, and their own styles make it more relevant and deep.  Obviously, you won't agree with all of them but that makes it more interesting. 

We have read lots of books in this topic and it is so refreshing to see how many other angles we may explore, it will take us a while digesting everything. We plan to add some topics to our marriage courses. Probably this book will be considered a must read for those interested in biblical guidance in everything about marriage, calling the reader to action, full of bravery and grace. I recommend this for pastors, leaders, and counselors. But can be enjoyed by any person, the language and terms are very accessible.

"Never has the sacred covenant of marriage been more maligned than it is today.
It can be difficult to know how to respond to a culture that is becoming more and more antagonistic to biblical beliefs about marriage. And this is a topic worth getting right. Marriage was given to us as a picture of the triune God in relationship with his people, which means what we believe about marriage is indissolubly tied to what we believe about God and his creating and saving purposes. Therefore, it is more important now than ever that we think theologically and carefully about what marriage is and how we live faithfully in it.
Marriage: Its Foundation, Theology, and Mission in a Changing World is the much-needed work on marriage for this generation and the next. Rooted in a scriptural understanding of marriage, it thoughtfully engages the issues surrounding marriage being debated today and lays the groundwork for the crucial conversations of our day. Each section contains chapters from trusted theologians as well as experienced practitioners who work with couples daily. Rediscover the beauty of God’s design for marriage and be strengthened to stand firm amidst any challenges the world may bring".
Pub Date 6 Nov 2018. ISBN 9780802413833 #Marriage #NetGalley

Antes de casarnos, mi esposo y yo sabíamos que queríamos ayudar familias. Dios depositó un profundo deseo sobre esto dentro de nuestros corazones. Él hace esto por distintas razones. Sabíamos cuán dolorosas y rotas son las personas que provienen de familias rotas. Puede parecer tan irónico que personas quebrantadas traten de ayudar a personas quebrantadas, pero esa es una de las formas en la que muchas veces el Señor quiere hacerlo, por lo que la gloria sigua siendo de Él para siempre.

Nunca imaginamos poder ayudar a otras parejas enseñando y aconsejando. Todavía estamos aprendiendo, todavía dependemos de la gracia de Dios para hacerlo. Así queremos que sea siempre. Este libro es una bendición de muchas maneras. Primero, a los autores les importa la Biblia y lo que Dios piensa sobre el matrimonio. No podemos negar que vivimos en una era donde la importancia de esto parece desvanecerse para muchos.

Este libro, de 448 páginas y letra muy pequeñita, no será un libro que termines muy rápido. En el interior, encontrarás teología, cuestiones culturales y prácticas actuales sobre el matrimonio. Algunos de los temas son: soltería (sí, has leído bien), perdón, sanidad, género, divorcio, nuevo matrimonio, la misión de Dios, la comunidad en el cuerpo de Cristo, asesoramiento bíblico y muchos más.

Si lo lees, percibirás el gran trabajo que hicieron cinco editores, al reunir la mente de más de 40 autores, con tanta gracia. Me sorprende y me encantaría saber más sobre su proceso para lograr esto. Ese es otro tema.

Cuando leí la dedicatoria mis ojos se llenaron de lágrimas: "Con la esperanza de exponer la gloria del matrimonio cristiano como era desde el principio, los editores dedican este libro a las generaciones venideras, a nuestros hijos, a los hijos de nuestros hijos y a sus generaciones. "Por un tiempo no podemos ver". Esas palabras son algunas de las mismas que usa Crawford W. Loritts Jr. en uno de los últimos capítulos. Me hizo llorar.

También queremos invertir en un tiempo que no veremos. Esa es nuestra oración. Dios, encuentra nuestros corazones fieles para vivirlo, para enseñar sobre ti, tus planes y tu diseño para las familias, los matrimonios y los padres, para tu gloria, para que muchos más pueden conocerte.

Me gusta leer de profesores y expertos, aprendes mucho haciéndolo. El hecho de que el libro tardó más de 4 años en escribirse y tantos autores, con su particular estilo, lo hace más relevante y profundo. Obviamente, no estarás de acuerdo con todos ellos, pero eso lo hace más interesante.

Hemos leído muchos libros sobre este tema y es tan refrescante ver cuántos otros ángulos podemos explorar, nos llevará un tiempo digerir todo. Planeamos agregar algunos temas a nuestros cursos de matrimonio. Probablemente este libro se considerará una lectura obligatoria para aquellos interesados en la guía bíblica en todo lo relacionado con el matrimonio, llamando al lector a la acción, tan lleno de valentía y gracia.

Recomiendo esto para pastores, líderes y consejeros. Pero puede ser disfrutado por cualquier persona, ya que tanto el lenguaje como los términos son muy accesibles.

"Nunca ha sido tan difamado el sagrado pacto del matrimonio como hoy en día.

Puede ser difícil saber cómo responder a una cultura que se está volviendo cada vez más antagónica a las creencias bíblicas sobre el matrimonio. Y este es un tema que vale la pena acertar. El matrimonio nos fue dado como una imagen del Dios trino en relación con su pueblo, lo que significa que lo que creemos acerca del matrimonio está indisolublemente ligado a lo que creemos acerca de Dios y sus propósitos de creación y salvación. Por lo tanto, es más importante que nunca que pensemos teológica y cuidadosamente sobre qué es el matrimonio y cómo vivimos fielmente en él.

-Matrimonio: su fundamento, teología y misión en un mundo cambiante (en el momento de escribir este post, solo disponible en inglés)- es el trabajo muy necesario sobre el matrimonio para esta generación y la siguiente. Arraigado en una comprensión bíblica del matrimonio, aborda de manera inteligente los temas que rodean al matrimonio que se debate hoy y sienta las bases para las conversaciones cruciales de nuestros días. Cada sección contiene capítulos de teólogos de confianza y profesionales experimentados que trabajan con parejas a diario. Redescubra la belleza del diseño de Dios para el matrimonio y fortalézcase para mantenerse firme en medio de cualquier desafío que el mundo pueda traer".

Bloodline Tracing God's Rescue Plan from Eden to Eternity by Skip Heitzig - Harvest House Publishers

Bloodline Tracing God's Rescue Plan from Eden to Eternity by Skip Heitzig - Harvest House Publishers

you can get it here: https://amzn.to/31dybL1


Would you like to get to know the story of redemption better? "the atonement is the scarlet cord running through every page in the entire Bible”; it “is red with redemption truth.” If you follow the red cord you fill find beautiful pieces of history God intended for us to be saved. Every piece of history we see how God designed it all to redem us, from Eden to eternity.


Christian Higher Education Faith, Teaching, and Learning in the Evangelical Tradition by David S. Dockery and Christopher W. Morgan, eds. - Crossway

pub date 30 nov 2018
you can order it here: https://amzn.to/2H20lBV

If you are very into education, you will find this book super interesting. I really like these topics, when you mix science, Christianity, education, and how the culture evolves and changes you can have great discussion topics. In this book, you will find the voice of almost thirty experts talking about their views on this topic. I recommend this book not just to educators, pastors, teachers, and homeschool parents, but to anyone who cares about education in their own lives and their country. Most important universities were founded on the ground of faith and now secularism is changing that. Education is changing and the view of universities too. Who defines great education? read and you will find out.


A Note From the Publisher

Advance Praise

Download Free Ebook Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin - Crossway

Te tengo la feliz noticia que nuestros amigos de Crossway están REGALANDO EL LIBRO COMPLETO en inglés de Mujer de la Palabra. (aprovecha!, su costo es 12.99 usd comunmente, o más).

Free Ebook: Mujer de la Palabra . ¡Gratis de verdad!

"Todos sabemos que es importante estudiar la Palabra de Dios. Pero a veces es difícil saber por dónde empezar.

En el libro #MujerDeLaPalabra: Cómo estudiar la Biblia con nuestros corazones y nuestras mentes, Jen Wilkin, una popular autora y maestra de la Biblia, ofrece un plan claro y conciso para ayudar a las mujeres a profundizar en su estudio de las Escrituras. En resumen, su objetivo es equiparte para comprometer la Palabra de Dios de una manera que entrena tu mente y transforma tu corazón".

Cabe resaltar que aunque es un libro dirigido a mujeres, el contenido puede ser sumamente benéfico para hombres también (sólo le arrancas la portada si quieres, como escuché decir a su autora).

Sólo tienes que completar la encuesta en este enlace para descargar una copia digital gratuita de Women of the Word! Los formatos disponibles son: mobi(kindle), ePub (iBooks, etc.) y PDF.

Free Ebook: Women of the Word

"We all know it’s important to study God’s Word. But sometimes it’s hard to know where to start.

In Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds, Jen Wilkin—a popular author and Bible teacher—offers a clear and concise plan to help women go deeper in their study of Scripture. In short, she aims to equip you to engage God’s Word in a way that trains your mind and transforms your heart.

Fill out the survey to download a free digital copy of Women of the Word!"

The Ten Commandments by Kevin DeYoung - Crossway

pub date 31 oct 2018
you can get it here: https://amzn.to/2GRdw8R

If you want to learn more about each commandment, it is a great idea to get this book. Crossway books never dissapoint. A lot of people in this generation think about the Bible as an ancient and unimportant book for us nowadays, but if you realize the Bible matters, you will know the ommandments make a difference. I´m not sure how a non believer would aproach this material, but I would like to find out. I remembered Comfort that is always talking about the commandments, I´d like to get to know his opinion in this book. Besides this book I don´t remember if I had a deep study about it before. If you get this book for your personal bible study you may find it helpful. 



Advance Praise

Give Them Jesus by Dillon T. Thornton - FaithWords

Give Them Jesus by Dillon T. Thornton - FaithWords

This book came out of the oven September 11th 2018. Just give it a try! Even if you don't know the author I invite you to just read the intro and I am sure you will want to keep going. It is a book that gives you a lot to think about, you will want to wait and think, go through your own thinking and keep going. I invite you to take a notebook while you read, there are many things that will come up to your mind and you need to write down. There are things that you will find out that you are doing just great and some others that you know you need to change or to implement. I thank God for men who care for families and want to invest in them, intentionally,  Finally the best we can give them is Jesus. I really want to become a parent-theologian. It is a book that quotes Tripp (author that I truly like and respect) and some very interesting others, i enjoyed that, even when sometimes I felt I already knew or read before what he shared. It is good to review things that you think you have mastered but you have not.

You will determine and decide if you want to pass your children to the "professionals" or you want to take the baton and invest in their lives to help them grow in faith. I enjoyed to know that the author is a pastor kid himself. My children are, and it is important to me to know something about their point of view, even when every situation is so different. If you struggle as almost every family with time together you may find useful the Family Worship Guide, you may want to add your own family order and style. They will feel our love, heart, intention and consistency. 

You can get it here.

Description "A fresh, clear, joyful guide for parents on how to teach their children to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.
GIVE THEM JESUS aims to help parents not simply add to their children's stockpile of knowledge, but to cultivate children-disciples who are able to display Christ-likeness in every situation. Parents are the ones primarily responsible for opening up the Scriptures to help their children understand God, the world, and themselves. The family is the divinely appointed discipleship program; the home is first and foremost a place of worship. The introduction of the book discusses the four vital components of family worship: teach, treasure, sing, and pray, and offers practical suggestions for beginning and prioritizing family worship in the rough and tumble of life. 

Subsequent chapters guide parents to a deeper understanding of the core truths of the historic Christian faith, as summarized in the Apostles' Creed, arming them with appropriate language, helpful illustrations, and relevant object lessons, so that in the end they will be better prepared to pass these truths on to their children. Each chapter concludes with a family worship guide, which includes: 1) family memory verses, 2) nuggets of truth from the chapter, 3) questions for family discussion, 4) songs that celebrate the truths of the Creed, and 5) prayer prompts. 
GIVE THEM JESUS equips parents to prepare their children to leave home and go out into the world as faithful participants in the great gospel story. "Never stop telling the gospel story to your kids," Thornton says. "Give your children Jesus. Again. And again. And again. And you'll see them walk in the truth."
#GiveThemJesus #NetGalley

Doubt Trusting God's Promises by Elyse Fitzpatrick - P & R Publishing

Doubt Trusting God's Promises by Elyse Fitzpatrick - P & R Publishing

you can get it here: 

Elyse Fitzpatrick books are clear and deep. She loves to share bible truths straight. If you are dealing with doubt (as we all are at certain times in our lives) these devotionals are going to be a glass of fresh water while you walk on your desert. This could be a great gift for a friend who is dealing with doubt. May God help our unbelief. 

 publish date 28 sep 2018



Unwanted How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing by Jay Stringer–Tyndale House Publishers

Unwanted How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing by Jay Stringer–Tyndale House Publishers

This title is disturbing because everything about this broken world and the ramifications sin has in our sexual life is important. There is always something behind, a higher reason for the choices we have. It brakes my heart to imagine what is going to happen to the next generation if we don´t address this topic accordingly. There are topics no one should want to treat, but we must be aware and prepared to answer clearly and point the person in God, suffering is huge and things don´t seem to get better, we need to read about this and prepare to help ourselves and others.


Outreach magazine 2018 Resource of the Year—Counseling & Relationships!
Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing is a ground-breaking resource that explores the “why” behind self-destructive sexual choices. The book is based on research from over 3,800 men and women seeking freedom from unwanted sexual behavior, be that the use of pornography, an affair, or buying sex.
Jay Stringer’s (M.Div, MA, LMHC) original research found that unwanted sexual behavior can be both shaped by and predicted based on the parts of our story—past and present—that remain unaddressed. When we pay attention to our unwanted sexual desires and identify the unique reasons that trigger them, the path of healing is revealed.
Although many of us feel ashamed and unwanted after years of sexual brokenness, the book invites the reader to see that behavior as the very location God can most powerfully work in their lives. Counselors, pastors, and accountability partners of those who experience sexual shame will also find in this book the deep spiritual and psychological guidance they need to effectively minister to the sexually broken around them. Relase date 4 September 2018

The Ministry of Ordinary Places Waking Up to God's Goodness Around You by Shannan Martin - Nelson Books

The Ministry of Ordinary Places Waking Up to God's Goodness Around You by Shannan Martin - Nelson Books

pub date 9 oct 2018 #TheMinistryOfOrdinaryPlaces
you can get it here: https://amzn.to/3dq84pf

This is the kind of book that helps you realize life is short and you must be thankful for every day you have. It is difficult to be there for someone, it is difficult to get involved, it is going to take value and courage, and intentionality, but it will be worth it. The way Shannan shares about this topic makes you want to be more involved right where you are. So many lovely quotes to highlight.

some lovely quotes:

"What on earth can we do to make this sad and beautiful world a little softer for everyone?"

"Beginning to live as though there's no such thing as other people's children might be our most critical, significant contribution to the flourishing of our own world."

"As Christ-followers, we are called to be long-haul neighbors committed to authenticity and willing to take some risks. Our vocation is to invest deeply in the lives of those around us, devoted to one another, physically close to each other as we breathe the same air and walk the same blocks. Our purpose is not so mysterious after all. We get to love and be deeply loved right where we’re planted, by whomever happens to be near. We will inevitably encounter brokenness we cannot fix, solve, or understand, and we’ll feel as small, uncertain, and outpaced as we have ever felt. But we’ll find our very lives in this calling, to be among people as Jesus was, and it will change everything."

"We might have a zillion reasons to be jaded about our world, but that is not the kind of person I want to be. I want to be someone who clings to the grace and the gift and the good. Rather than spend my days scanning the digital horizon for a dopamine hit of false comfort, I want to keep my ear tuned to the groanings of my place. I want to stand ready, as Christ’s ambassador in my neighborhood, wearing grace, flesh, and skinny jeans. I want to belong, just as I am, and I want to get better at loving people for every good and puzzling thing they are."

Sometimes we get so hung up on doing something great, we forget the best thing is often the smallest"

It's time for us to wear the humility of Jesus like secondhand coat, ready to hear from people further along this road. We've tot stop insisting on our own way and believing we now best"

"If we can't connect with each other, we will connect with anything we can find -- The whirr a roulette wheel or the prick of a syringe," Hari Wrote. So the opposite of addiction is not sobriety. It is Human Connection," Hari Concluded."

"This mission humbly asks that we devote ourselves to the overlooked spiritual practice of paying attention to wherever God has placed us. That's where we begin, and, though it's not terribly complicated, it will ask more of us than we ever imagined"

"To love your neighbor is never safe. But it is always good," said Pastor Gabriel Salgueros"

"The trickiest thing about writing about hospitality is that it requires using the word hospitality. I cringe. Heaven only knows why our desire to spend meaningful time with others is saddled with such a churchy, pearls-and-an-apron sounding word, conjuring up vivid Sunday school images of Mary and Martha. Even though I know Jesus preferred Mary's MO, I always felt like Martha was secretly the real winner of the contest. The fact that I still see it as a competition only further illustrates my need for this lesson in the first place"

"We're no longer satisfied with a solution that only serves us and those like us"

"It only asks that we view our immediate world with fresh eyes to see how we might plant love with intention and grit".

“In a world where hope seems dim and solutions feel complicated and partisan, Shannan Martin offers us a starting point that is as radical as it is domestic: widen your circle, hush your mouth, and pay close attention. This book is the right book for this moment in time and I simply cannot get over it. I either laughed or cried on almost every page. We need these lyrical, prophetic words now more than ever before.” —Emily P. Freeman, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Simply Tuesday

Christian Ethics by Wayne Grudem - Crossway

*Puedes leer la versión en español al final.

Christian Ethics An Introduction to Biblical Moral Reasoning by Wayne Grudem - Crossway

Talking about Christianity, Bible, morals, and reasoning seem to be something not very popular. It is not social, cultural or political accepted in our times.

I knew that my husband would want this book when he saw it, he is a Pastor and all these topics are very related to the topics we see and need in Biblical Counseling. It is essential to have a clear guide to the Word of God in matters of daily life, plus those that involve wise decisions.
I recommend you to read the topics that interest you first, and then the ones you would never read or think you do not need because you already "know", that will really encourage you to continue reading the rest of it. It makes me laugh because I think that: "If this is just the introduction" to the topic ... how will the subsequent content be ?! ". 

Do not expect to read this fast, it's 1296 pages to savor, so thankful again for your hard work Mr. Wayne Grudem. More than just any other book about ethics, I see it as a header manual for people who work with people, mainly those who come to us with complicated questions. It is a book written deeply and carefully.

I give thanks to God for people like Wayne Grudem who have invested a great part of their lives in leaving us a legacy so thought, elaborated and well documented to make our lives easier by searching for light on complex issues. The book made me rethink how I see many of the topics it contains.  I'm sure you will feel conviction about some topics.

As a family, we plan to deal with these important issues with our children, I think that if parents train their children on these issues, there would not be so many people in need of counseling, or in the church.

We want to discuss these issues with key people, study partners and congregants, so that they in turn train others to think more ethically, Christianly, biblically and morally.

We need to obey 1 Peter 3:15 and be prepared to address even hard controversies, may the Lord help us to be ready, willing and able to do it.

You can download an extract  HERE and then buy it in this link or with this retailers: CrosswayAmazonB&NCBA StorefinderChristianBook.com

I share these powerful quotes so you can encourage yourself to read the book and consider sharing them with others:

Christian Ethics
Please read the table of contents and tell me Do you think about some topic you think Grudem left out?

Table of Contents

Part 1: Introduction
1. Introduction to Christian Ethics
2. The Ultimate Basis for Ethics: The Moral Character of God
3. Our Source of Ethical Standards: The Bible
4. The Goal of Ethics: Living for the Glory of God 
5. The Joys and Blessings of Obedience to God and the Harmful Consequences of Sin
6. How to Know God’s Will: Factors to Consider in Making Ethical Decisions
7. Christians Will Never Have to Choose the “Lesser Sin”
8. How Should Christians Use the Old Testament for Ethical Guidance?
Part 2: Protecting God's Honor 
9. No Other Gods
10. No Carved Images
11. Purity of Speech
12. Lying and Telling the Truth
13. The Sabbath Commandment
Part 3: Protecting Human Authority 
14. Authority of Parents 
15. Equality and Leadership in Marriage
16. Civil Government
17. Other Authorities
Part 4: Protecting Human Life
18. Capital Punishment
19. War
20. Self-Defense
21. Abortion
22. Euthanasia
23. Suicide
24. Aging and Death
25. Racial Discrimination
26. Health
27. Alcohol and Drugs
Part 5: Protecting Marriage
28. Marriage
29. Birth Control
30. Infertility, Reproductive Technology, and Adoption
31. Pornography
32. Divorce and Remarriage
33. Homosexuality and Transgenderism
Part 6: Protecting Property
34. Property: The Goodness and Necessity of Private Ownership of Property
35. Work, Rest, Vacations, and Retirement
36. Increasing Prosperity: Is More Prosperity a Good Thing?
37. Poverty and Wealth
38. Personal Financial Stewardship
39. Borrowing, Lending, and the Question of Debt
40. Business Ethics
41. Stewardship of the Environment
Part 7: Protecting Purity of Heart
42. Purity of Heart
Appendix A: Should We Move Beyond the New Testament to a Better Ethic? An Analysis of William J. Webb's Slaves, Women & Homosexuals: Exploring the Hermeneutics of Cultural Analysis




No esperes leerlo rápido, son 1296 páginas, te recomiendo leer primero los temas que te interesen, luego los que nunca leerías o que piensas que no necesitas, eso te animará a continuar con el resto. Me da risa porque pienso que: "Si esta es sólo la introducción" a el tema... como será el contenido subsecuente?!".  
Doy gracias a Dios por personas como wayne Grudem que han invertido gran parte de su vida en dejarnos un legado tan pensado, elaborado y bien documentado para hacer nuestras vidas más sencillas al buscar luz sobre temas complejos. El libro me hizo recapacitar en cómo veo muchos de los temas que contiene.
Tenemos ganas de tratar estos temas con personas claves, compañeros de estudio y congregantes, para que a su vez entrenen a otros a pensar más ética, cristiana, bíblica y moralmente.

Puedes descargar un extracto AQUÍ y luego adquirirlo completo en este enlace o con estas tiendas: CrosswayAmazonB&NCBA StorefinderChristianBook.com
Hablar de cristianismo, biblia, moral y razonamiento parece ser algo no muy social, cultural o políticamente aceptado en nuestros tiempos.

Supe que mi esposo querría este libro en cuando lo viera, es Pastor y todos estos temas están muy relacionados con los temas que vemos en Consejería Bíblica. Es indispensable contar con una guía clara de la Palabra de Dios en temas de la vida diaria, más los que implican decisiones sabias. 

Más que un libro cualquiera, lo veo como un manual de cabecera para personas que trabajan con personas, principalmente las que acuden a nosotros con preguntas complicadas. Es un libro escrito conciensuda y cuidadosamente.  

Como familia pensamos tratar continuamente con nuestros hijos estos temas tan relevantes, considero que si los padres entrenaran a sus hijos en estos temas, no habría tantas personas con necesidad de consejería, ingluso en la iglesia.

Necesitamos obedecer 1 Pedro 3:15 y estar preparados para enfrentar controversias difíciles, para que el Señor nos ayude a estar listos, dispuestos y capaces de hacerlo.

Si lees el índice y encuentras algún tema que creas que Grudem dejó fuera, me gustaría que me dijeras cual es. Sólo por curiosidad.


Descripción del libro: "¿Cómo deben vivir los cristianos cuando la cultura circundante es cada vez más hostil a los valores morales cristianos? Por supuesto, la Biblia es nuestra guía, pero ¿cómo podemos saber si la estamos interpretando correctamente con respecto a cuestiones éticas como la riqueza y la pobreza, diciendo la verdad? ¿Matrimonio y divorcio, control de natalidad, aborto, eutanasia, homosexualidad, prácticas comerciales, administración ambiental y muchas otras cuestiones? Y a un nivel muy práctico, ¿cómo podemos conocer la voluntad de Dios en las decisiones ordinarias de la vida? Para abordar preguntas como estos, Wayne Grudem, autor de la exitosa Teología Sistemática, se basa en cuarenta años de clases de ética para escribir esta introducción de amplio alcance al razonamiento moral bíblico, organizada de acuerdo con la estructura de los Diez Mandamientos. para que los cristianos vivan vidas de santidad personal y ofrezcan una visión de la vida cristiana que está llena de alegría y bendición al vivir cada día de una manera que sea agradable a Dios".