Writing to Be Understood What Works and Why by Anne Janzer Narrated by Anne Janzer - Cuesta Park Consulting

Writing to Be Understood What Works and Why by Anne Janzer Narrated by Anne Janzer -  Cuesta Park Consulting

pub date 9 ago 2019
you can order it here: https://amzn.to/2FjWI9g

I listened to the audiobook of this title. To be honest, at first, I didn´t like her voice (I´m sorry but it is true), but I´m so glad I didn´t stop listening because later, I enjoyed it, when you know it is the author it is better, they give the intonation when it is supposed to be. She is very interesting and I´m thankful about her teaching. Some chapters were very interesting, when they talk about the brain and how things are interesting to you, how to capture attention and all those details, I truly enjoyed them. The book is useful and interesting, some chapters more than others. It is full of ideas to implement when you write. I liked that it talks about non-fiction a lot, I really prefer to write nonfiction, then I found it useful. Most books about reading are about fiction, creating characters and things like that, that is the best about this one. 4 hours and 42 minutes well invested. I would like to add that I listened the audiobook, but I want to get the printed version to underline and take notes, I kind of like that. Can´t wait to implement what I learned.


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