I loved the title of this book, and I really enjoyed A LOT the voice of Emily Ellet, she did a great job encapsulating the feelings and emotions in this book, great narrator. This is a real story and it is full of unexpected news for a mom. Is the story of her delivery and choices with doctors. Exasperation, disbelief, expectations crushed, you will get all her feels. I think this book could be a great gift for moms who deal with unexpected issues with the life of their children. It may be a little bit annoying if you don´t like to read about medical conditions, the author shares in-depth what they were going through. Expect 5 hours 37 minutes of pain, hardship, and a mom who tries to endure news after news of trials. Expect to be amazed by her sincerity, endurance and faith. All the time you will remember this: you can not do anything to sustain someone´s life or health, you are not in control... and to know that is to rest and know who really holds life together, yours and your family´s too.
Do You Trust God? Meg Apperson grew up having a relationship with Jesus, and she always trusted God. But it wasn't until her daughter Avery-a miracle in so many ways-was born with a litany of life-threatening birth defects that she began to fully understand what it means to trust Jesus with everything. In this heartbreakingly beautiful memoir, you'll learn how a mother fought for her child, her family, and even herself as she grappled with the weight of failure-of letting down everyone around her and feeling let down by God. But in the midst of the fight, through heavy grief, she not only discovered her own voice-she discovered that God is both good and faithful. If you have ever experienced grief, suffering, or pain; if God has ever asked you to surrender more than you thought possible; if you've ever questioned how God is at work in the darkness . . . Sky Full of Stars is for you. This book will show you that when everything around you is dark, peace can be found in the suffering. You'll discover new ways to rely on God's trustworthiness.
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