Faith Is for Weak People Responding to the Top 20 Objections to the Gospel by Ray Comfort - Baker Books

Faith Is for Weak People Responding to the Top 20 Objections to the Gospel by Ray Comfort - Baker Books

You can get it here:

If you read this and then "Anyone But Me" I´m sure you found this one useful. I think we all need to grow in the evangelization area, in our culture it is very countercultural to go against comfort and object to someone is taken as an offense. May God help us to continue passing the torch of life to others. When I see or hear Ray Comfort I feel deep conviction, I think because I don´t find an alibi to scape. I would like to go through each point with my children, need to take time to do it. I´m glad this kind of material exists. This are the 20 points you will read and get ready to respond:

   1 Why is the world so out of control if God is in control of everything?
   2 How can a good God torture unbelievers in hell indefinitely? (Part One)
   3 How can a good God torture unbelievers in hell indefinitely? (Part Two)
   4 Why should I bother if there is an afterlife?
   5 How could a loving God allow suffering to happen in the world?
   6 Is the God of the Old Testament the same as that of the New Testament?
   7 When asked, would you sacrifice a child to God?
   8 Aren't religions the cause of many wars and sufferings?
   9 Why can't a loving God let gay people choose what they want?
   10 How could "sincere Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists" go to hell if they don't believe in the gospel?
   11 "Why are there so many hypocrites in the Church?"
   12  Why should we believe the Bible's account of creation?
   13  Isn't the Bible written by man? How could it then be error proof?
   14  Who made God?
   15 Why can't good people go to heaven?
   16 What about those who have not heard of the gospel?
   17 "Why does God allow evil?"
   18  “What’s so bad about other religions?”
   19 “Seeing is believing. Why do I need faith? Faith is for weak people.”
   20 “I can murder a hundred people, then give my heart to Jesus and go to Heaven?”



Pub date 30 april 2019

Mahatma Gandhi by Isabel Sanchez Vegara ilustrated by Albert Arrayas - Frances Lincoln Children's Books

Mahatma Gandhi by Isabel Sanchez Vegara ilustrated by Albert Arrayas - Frances Lincoln Children's Books
This is not one of the books we read very commonly, but, I considered it useful. Do you want to teach your children better? How about teaching them about the importance of waiting, of not paying badly with evil, of seeing for the interests of others, social justice, love of neighbor, humility? ... in this little book you can review the life of Mahatma Gandhi and learn some interesting facts that maybe you do not yet know. You can take advantage of important issues like the ones I mentioned before and interesting questions can also arise, like my 8 year old daughter ... about how they used to find salt before and why it was so important. My 12yo son was near when we read it and he heard and enjoyed it as well, asked some questions abour other countries.  I'm sure you can take advantage of this kind of historical, biographical books. I think it may be useful for you to know that It is a simple book to read if your children are learning English or if it is not their 1st language. You can pre order here.

No es uno de los libros sobre los cuales leemos muy comúnmente, pero, lo consideré útil. ¿Quieres enseñar a tus hijos mejor? ¿qué tal enseñarles sobre la importancia de esperar, de no pagar mal con mal, de ver por los intereses de los demás, justicia social, amor al prójimo, humildad?... en este pequeño libro podrás repasar en resumen la vida de Mahatma Gandhi y aprender algunos datos interesantes que quizá aún no conocen. Puedes aprovechar para tratar temas importantes como los que te comenté antes y pueden también surgir preguntas interesantes, como la de mi hija de 8 años... sobre cómo encontraban antes la sal y por qué era tan importante. Estoy segura que se le puede sacar jugo a este tipo de libros históricos, biográficos. Es un libros sencillo de leer si tus hijos están aprendiendo inglés.
Se aproxima el día del niño, es cuando este libro saldrá a la venta. Puedes pre ordenarlo aquí.

New in the Little People, Big Dreams series, discover the life of Mohandas Gandhi, the father of India, in this true story of his life. As a young teenager in India, Gandhi led a rebellious life and went against his parents' values. But as a young man, he started to form beliefs of his own that harked back to the Hindu principles of his childhood. Gandhi began to dream of unity for all peoples and religions. Inspired by this idea, he led peaceful protests to free India from British rule and unite the country—ending violence and unfair treatment. His bravery and free-thinking made him one of the most iconic people of peace in the world, known as 'Mahatma' meaning 'great soul'.
With innovative illustrations and extra facts at the back, this empowering series celebrates the important life stories of wonderful people of the world.

Quarto Publishing Group - Frances Lincoln Childrens
Frances Lincoln Children's Books

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Parenting beyond the Rules Raising Teens with Confidence and Joy by Connie Albers - Tyndale House Publishers

Parenting beyond the Rules Raising Teens with Confidence and Joy by Connie Albers - Tyndale House Publishers

My husband and I are always trying to read books to encourage us and guide us through the parenting years. It is always a surprise to read a book from an author I don´t know. Since we are preparing for giving a course on parenting on may, I thought this book sounds just right for us, since I paint I was very attracted by the cover. When I read an author who it is not afraid of teen years, but hopeful and focusing on the heart and relationship, I´m interested. I don´t like books that expect the worst from teens and want you to think of them as “the enemy” or without any positive expectations. I want to keep learning about how to raise children with limits but freedom because soon or later they will fly and start their own families. We need to connect and develop our listener's hearts, it reminded me in some paragraphs to Paul Tripp. If you need practical and doable ideas this book may be good for you. If you are like most type-A parents, you have a system for everything and the rules are clear in your house, but how is your relationship with them? “the key to their hearts comes by way of relationship, not rules”, you may cringe if you don´t like that but I believe is true. You may read the different styles of parents and recognize your weaknesses and strengths (authoritative, permissive, helicopter, hovering, or lawnmower parent). She explains and encourages you to “understanding their world, listening, monitoring your mouth, tackling tough topics, squashing your fears, and staying engaged,” I thought about my parents a lot through some paragraphs. If you love overviews and bullets you will enjoy and find these pages very useful. This is a book for a parent who really wants to engage and understand. I like when an author sounds “humble” and not like “I know everything and I´m perfect”, I´m grateful about it.

This book was published 2 april 2019, you can buy it here.

Parenting teens is one of the most challenging seasons of parenting, isn’t it? While this can be a difficult time of transition for parents and teens, there is hope. You can parent well and build a stronger relationship even through the teen years.
After 30 years of parenting five children and 20 years of working with teens, Connie Albers has witnessed the negative impact of well-intentioned but misguided parenting styles, all focused on managing teens rather than guiding them. But through learning to focus on the hearts of your teens, you can avoid those pitfalls and build relationships that last beyond the transition years as you intentionally learn about, connect with, and listen to your teens. In a world filled with distractions and devices, it is possible to guide their hearts and remain the primary influence in their lives. In Parenting beyond the Rules, you will discover how to raise a teen according to his or her strengths, talents, and personality type, as these things equip teens to manage life.
Join Connie Albers in discovering practical solutions for every parent trying to raise a responsible, godly teenager.

Livi & Grace by Jennifer Lynch - Greenleaf Book Group

My girl doesn´t have a sister, sadly...neither do I. Yes, very, very sad, I know... That is why I like this book the most, because we always look different from one another, inside and out. There is not another girl like us, not even one biological sister around. Sisters are different as the author shares with so much grace. 

I think this book is made with so much accurateness about how girls may differ in many things but they can still be friends. We were laughing together and having so much fun while we were finding things we were like Liv and Grace, and others very different, and how our friends are different as well. 

The illustration is beautiful, my girl wanted to draw some copies inspired by the ones she saw (a little artist in my house, she is 8). I think this will be a great gift for some of her very different friends, so they can enjoy who they are, just the way God made them. 

One of my goals on vacation is to read one book per day with her, way to go mom! we invite you to do the same!, so prepare! 

This book will be published 11 Jun 2019, we were so honored to see "behind the cameras" make sure you get a copy!. Pre-order here now! #aff


Some fun links to visit about the book:



Mended by Blythe Daniel & Helen McIntosh - Harvest House Publishers

You can buy it here.

I found myself crying in several pages… very sensitive topic...and this was not my plan (to cry). To be honest I was doing research for an article… and I didn´t find another book with biblical approach to this relationship… so… I am thankful this author was brave enough to talk about such a hard topic. I didn´t know exactly what the content was going to be, I just can say: the book exceeded my expectations. 

This is the first book I read about dealing with relationships mother/daughter. I was amazed about how the authors dealt with very sensitive issues with depth, clarity, and empathy. I was confronted with so many things, not just about the relationship with my mom but I was also challenged about how I am going to live my own motherhood and my relationship with my daughter. 

I imagine when she grows up and I think I´m going to implement a lot of things that I learned in the book. One of my favorite chapters was number 7, when they talk about “With no permission comes no advice”, I won´t give a spoiler. I wish this material could be in the hands of every friend I have who suffers complicated stuff and soon find it in Spanish for my Latin friends who don´t read English. What joy was to get to know this author through their words.

I think this book would be a great Mother´s day gift.

Pub Date: 09 Apr 2019

“An amazing resource for anyone who desires to deepen their mother-daughter relationship in a biblical, healthy, and healed way.”
—Lysa TerKeurst, New York Times bestselling author and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries

You can be restored even when your relationship is frayed
Ever wonder why mothers and daughters can be so different and even seem to speak different languages?

gives you conversation starters to speak life into your relationship with your mother or daughter. Discover powerful words that usher in healing for wounded hearts and rebuild, restore, and reconcile your connection.

Set new patterns going forward as you…find common ground and put your relationship ahead of your differences learn what to say when you don’t know what to say grow closer when you do hard things together
If you have a difficult history with your mother or daughter, you don’t have to continue patterns of brokenness. No matter how worn you feel, you don’t have to become unthreaded. God wants to mend your heart to His and to hers.

#Mended #NetGalley #IreallyLiketoReadaLot
I'm so glad this book is available for broken people like me, who don't know a lot of things yet... For someone who want to invest & learn how to have a good relationship with my daughter (now that we have time). I think this book would be a great Mother´s day gift, for your daughter, your mom or a friend. Bring your tissue paper. I cried a lot! #ourmendedheartsbook#ourmendedhearts 
#ireallyliketoreadalot ✨Happy Birthday Launch Day Mended Book, keep celebrating! @blythe.daniel@nannie_7777 I'm so thankful, beyond words... God bless you!.

You can read confortable your kindle books with this

¿Cómo mantener la esperanza en medio del dolor?


¿Cómo mantener la esperanza
en medio del dolor?

Es más fácil escribir sobre el dolor cuando ya ha terminado. Cuando solo es un recuerdo distante, y la herida ya cicatrizó. Cuando parece una historia lejana y ya disfrutas tu «tan añorado final feliz». Pero, ¿cómo mantener la esperanza cuando se está en medio de la aflicción? ¿Cómo seguir adelante cuando todo duele tanto? ¿Cómo enfrentar otro día cuando prefirieres ya no vivir? ¡Confiando en Cristo! Es la única manera. Es en medio del dolor cuando debemos retener la fe y la esperanza, pues es cuando más se necesita. Justo ahí estoy, ¿Y tú?

Abraza las verdades de la Palabra de Dios

No le deseo a nadie visitar ese pozo frío, lleno de confusión, desilusiones, pérdidas, escasez, lágrimas, enfermedad, confusión y soledad... ¿Por qué permite Dios que pasemos por pruebas tan intensas y que seamos asfixiados por situaciones que sentimos no podremos superar?

¿Por qué te abates, alma mía, y por qué te turbas dentro de mí? Espera en Dios, pues he de alabarle otra vez por la salvación de su presencia. Salmo 42:5 LBLA.

Se dice que si no has experimentado circunstancias difíciles, sólo sigas viviendo. En este mundo caído, seguramente tú o alguien que amas se encuentra sufriendo hoy. Esto es lo que puedes hacer: Prepararte. Abraza las verdades eternas de la Palabra de Dios, quien sostendrá tu vida cuando sientas que tienes rota cada parte de tu cuerpo, alma o corazón. Anima a tu alma a esperar, alabar y confiar en Él.

Sabes de lo que hablo si ya has llorado en ese solitario y oscuro lugar, donde piensas que el sufrimiento jamás se irá. Hay pronósticos que no son fáciles de digerir. Una espiral de dolor físico que lleva al dolor emocional, y dolor emocional que te lleva al dolor físico. Cuando te preguntas, ¿acaso así será cada día de mi vida a partir de hoy? Sólo sigue viviendo. Aún cuando el fuego apremie, recuerda Su bondad.

Descansa en la soberanía de Dios

Pudieras preguntarte: «¿Cómo permanecer en pie cuando acaban de sepultar a mi ser querido? ¿Cómo mantener la calma cuando fui desalojado de casa y no sé si mi familia comerá hoy? ¿Cómo concebir que los malos parecen conseguir todo sin dificultad y yo no... aunque me he esforzado hasta agotar mis fuerzas y recursos? ¿Qué hacer cuando me acabo de dar cuenta que mi pareja me ha sido infiel? ¿Cómo reaccionar cuando mis hijos han cometido algo vergonzoso e inmencionable? ¿Cómo volver a confiar cuando me han traicionado y cuando los que se supone que deben amarme, me desprecian? ¿Qué hacer cuando mis anhelos son insatisfechos?, ¿cuando deseo tanto tener un hijo y la cuna permanece vacía?, ¿cuando quisiera casarme y sigo soltera? ¿Cómo pensar en el futuro cuando el pronóstico de mi enfermedad es permanente, terminal?»

En la vida, muchas respuestas a nuestras preguntas quedarán sin resolver. Muchos asuntos permanecerán como un misterio. Es por eso que si hoy te preguntas: ¿por qué? Es momento de recordar que puedes descansar en la soberanía de Dios. Sigue confiando.

No digo esto desde mi «lugar cómodo y feliz» Escribo estas palabras desde el horno que me tocó visitar y con lágrimas en los ojos. El dolor en mi cuerpo aún no pasa, si bien, sólo Dios sabe si terminará. Cuando siento el intenso calor de la prueba quemarme, recuerdo este versículo en Daniel 3:17

«Ciertamente nuestro Dios a quien servimos puede librarnos del horno de fuego ardiente; y de tu mano, oh rey, nos librará. Pero si no lo hace, has de saber, oh rey, que no serviremos a tus dioses ni adoraremos la estatua de oro que has levantado.»

Esas fueron las valientes y sabias palabras de Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego cuando el Rey Nabucodonosor se llenó de furor, y demudó su semblante contra ellosQuiero ese tipo de fe. Aún si Él no respondiera como yo quisiera. Que Él me llene de esperanza cuando mi corazón esté triste y cuando el pronóstico terrenal es de un dolor que no se irá de este cuerpo mortal. Su gran misericordia y bondad sigue siendo suficiente para sostener mi vida en medio del dolor.

para que la prueba de vuestra fe, más preciosa que el oro que perece, aunque probado por fuego, sea hallada que resulta en alabanza, gloria y honor en la revelación de Jesucristo. 1 Pedro 1:7 LBLA

Anhelo permanecer fiel, que esa esperanza eterna me haga permanecer con los ojos puestos en Jesús y en la meta: una eternidad con Él. Él es más que un refugio y consuelo en la aflicción, Él lo es todo. Corramos a Sus poderosos brazos de amor, no hay otros que nos puedan sostener. La vida continuará con todo tipo de aflicciones imposibles de evitar, pero Dios es suficiente para acompañarnos en medio de todo.

Continuaremos enfrentando tormentas y pruebas, pudiéramos perderlo todo, pero nunca Su amor eterno, ¡nada ni nadie nos lo quitará!*. En Cristo, lo que define nuestra vida no puede ser arrebatado por ningún tipo de dolor o circunstancia. Su gracia es la que nos sostiene cuando nada parece tener sentido (según nuestra lógica tan limitada). Te invito a que al sufrir, abraces la esperanza en Cristo y descanses al recordar que nuestra vida está bajo Su tierno cuidado y bondadoso control.

¿Cómo ves a Dios obrando en medio de las circunstancias dolorosas? Aquí te comparto algunas recomendaciones para llevar estas verdades a la práctica:

  • Escribe una lista de versículos bíblicos que puedas recordar durante la prueba.
  • Habla con una persona madura que pueda apoyarte en este proceso.
  • Si no eres tú quien sufre hoy, ¿conoces a alguien que esté sufriendo? Agenda al menos 3 maneras prácticas en las cuales le puedes ayudar (además de orar) o mejor aún: contáctala y pregúntale qué necesita y cómo puedes acompañarle en su dolor.
*Te animo a leer y memorizar Romanos 8:38-39.

----¡Déjanos tu comentario y únete a la conversación!----

Artículo escrito por Reyna Orozco Meraz para el Ministerio Aviva Nuestros Corazones ®

El material publicado en esta página se encuentra disponible para ser compartido gratuitamente, en cuyo caso, agradecemos su integridad al citar la fuente en respeto a nuestros derechos de autor.

Glorious Weakness Discovering God in All We Lack by Alia Joy - Baker Books

you can get it here

If you have suffered, it is impossible not to have empathy for Alia, you feel she just understands. You just wish you can know her and hug her and help. But you know you can not help, and she can not help you... only God can, she knows that for sure, so will you. But oh! how much hope and relief you feel while you read and cry. What she has is a gift, to put into words with such musicality and cadence in a beautiful way the most painful parts of her life... and what it is to come. This book is a plain reality in this fallen world and complete hope in what is to come. You just don´t get why some people get so much pain, tears, and brokenness. And then every time you turn the page, you get it, their soul turns more beautiful each time.  The book is divided into 4: Weakness, Hope, Strenght, and Glory. It is such a beautiful book you just want to highlight all. Capture all. Quote it all. I highly recommend this reading not just for the one who suffers, but for the one who wants to try and understand who is in deep pain.

Some quotes you may like or find compelling:
  • “Weakness is a holy invitation to allow grace to do its work.”
  • “My deficiency was the strongest thing about me because God was fully present in my lack.”
  • “Ordinary life has been the hardest calling I’ve ever answered, the hardest thing to bear witness to, because who could possibly care about the mundane and ordinary life? I had no idea the depths of my own selfishness until asked to share myself with my family. To lay my will down day after day and seek God’s.”
  • “We’ve valued one side of the equation and not the other because we don’t imagine the poor have anything to teach us about God. We go with our gospel but don’t always understand grace. We are not students of the poor, the weak, the broken, the outside, or the other. We don’t learn from the margins, we still esteem power and success and skill.”
  • “We’ve valued one side of the equation and not the other because we don’t imagine the poor have anything to teach us about God. We go with our gospel but don’t always understand grace. We are not students of the poor, the weak, the broken, the outside, or the other. We don’t learn from the margins, we still esteem power and success and skill.”
  • “What the world desperately needs is a church that looks more like Christ and less like a parody of how to be respectable, comfortable, and safe.” 
  • “Our need might be the thing that most blesses the body of Christ.” 
  • “My saltwater tears have mixed with the ash from the Refiner’s fire, and they form the ink to pen my story, a story that helps me find my way to the beauty that was always buried and waiting.” 


Kids Say the Wisest Things 26 Lessons You Didn't Know Children Could Teach You by Jon Gauger - Moody

Kids Say the Wisest Things 26 Lessons You Didn't Know Children Could Teach You by Jon Gauger - Moody Publishers

This book is a wonderful one to give away. I have gotten 2 for cherished friends who love children and laugh. I like the way the author shares simple stories and give them a deep and easy to remember the meaning. If you enjoy anecdotes you will find this enjoyable. Every story I read made me remember my own kids stories, my children and students. I think this would be also enjoyable for teachers, as a gift on teacher's day, Christmas or another holiday. 

You can get it here:

Pub Date 02 Apr 2019

#KidsSayTheWisestThings #NetGalley


The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman - Revell Books

The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman - Revell Books

Emily is a very sweet decision-making mentor and friend. I´m sure she has been close to the hearts of so many, through her voice and books.

Oh! how do I say this: her book is so very timely material for me. 

Today is launch day and I´m thrilled about it!. 

Celebrating with all the crew! I want to host a giveaway for all of you my friends!

Did you see her book and mic cookies! They were so amazing! and the flowers, all her launch book party was a success! 


My favorite part: The eyes when she was listening to her husband were so lovely! :) 

Ok, back to the topic... I was part of the launch team I was able to read it all first hand before it was ready to print, being behind all the process was a huge privilege. I´m so grateful for everything, most of all because of the content I have been enjoying. I read it once and now I´m going for the second one... but going slow, taking notes, listening (because once you pre-order the book, you will be able to listen the audiobook, video lessons, and everything else for free!)

I admit sometimes I struggle with this topic and need to grow about a lot of issues the author describes. Everyone needs to take decisions in life and everyone I know needs to grow in these areas. We need to find a better way. I found very helpful and true Emily's insight in this Book. 

The way she explains very deep and practical issues has made me stop and consider the way I'm living my Life and embrace and thank how I take decisions.  I really like her examples, stories, reflexions and prayers, I´m praying them as if they were my own.

She made me think about the way the people I love, take decisions... By the way...How do you take decisions?...
 with your heart, head, feelings or gut? go find out taking this quiz and let me know!

This is a Book I'll visit often while discerning what to do or even why I'm doing what I do. I pre-ordered a copy and I´m enjoying the free bonuses (I encourage to do so!) 

I needed quiet the noise and listen to someone with wisdom. Everyone needs to take decisions in life and everyone I know struggles with it in some way or another. I found very helpful and true Emily's insight in this Book. The way she explains very deep and practical issues some words have made me stop and consider the way I'm living my life. I know the Bible gives you light in every way and its principal in guiding you about how to live your life. I´m just saying this is a helpful book about discerning what to do or why you´re doing what you do.

I hope every person to get this book, to stop, learn and take decisions more wisely. "To take time for your soul to breath".

It's hard to understand the way we process things in life. While reading I found out Why I don't get other family member's logic. To understand myself and how I tend to use heart, gut or head makes me realize we all are different and to know it was the first step to be patient & understand. I Want to learn some more out impulses, fear, excitement, comfort, the easiest road, avoid pain, for a place and so on. This Book has done something Special in me. I plan to read it again and take my own notes, it is good to liste ton a podcast, but there is something special in books, they smell! :)

It is awesome to see, hear and learn from a real author. The process behind a book will always be incredible for me. I thank God for technology that makes this possible now, to cherish all those moments.

This book was in every single way a lovely, timely and awesome gift for me. Today I celebrate with you Emily her launch day. Every person that has been reading, editing, proofreading, spreading the word, being part of publishing and launching team may agree is a joy to be part of it. 

I´m thankful for all the lessons and investment in our lives. Thank you REvell Books, Emily P. Freeman, Mr. Beard and all the crew!

I really encourage you to buy it Hard cover or Kindle (remember, real books smell)

P.S. Last book I read was Suffering is Never for nothing by Ellisabeth Elliot (will tell you more about it in my next posts). One phrase captured my attention in the book, it was "The next right thing". Now I know she was quoting someone else. Then when I saw Emily´s new title I knew I wanted and needed to read it. I was so thankful to be part of the process Emily shared with us, learned a lot with her and all the team.

Would you like to know what is your decision making personality, take the quiz! (is so much fun, and very accurate)!

It was April 2 but they extended the offer a few more days! Purchase between now and April 5, and enter your purchase info below to receive Emily’s free gifts, including the audiobook, and her new course (instant access)!

Just do #yournextrightthing and visit:

Purchase from Your Favorite Retailer

Book Description:

Create Space for Your Soul To Breathe

When we have a decision to make, what we want more than anything is peace, clarity, and a nudge in the right direction.  
This simple, soulful practice will help you:
  • clear the decision-making chaos
  • quiet the fear of choosing wrong
  • find the courage to finally decide without regret or second-guessing
If you have trouble making decisions because of either chronic hesitation or decision fatigue, Emily P. Freeman offers a fresh way of practicing familiar but often forgotten advice: simply do the next right thing.

Organiza tu mes (+freebie: calendario sencillo del mes perpetuo vacío, imprimible en blanco y negro)

¡Organiza tu mes! Es sencillo, inicia por anotar todas tus ideas o pendientes. Nos funciona mucho como familia planear el mes ANTES de que inicie. Te invito a ver el video y escuchar más ideas, te platico un poco de lo que hago y te invito a que consigas una agenda o imprimas un calendario en blanco (te regalo uno perpetuo, vacío, imprimible, editable, gratis, es super sencillo puedes descargarlo en PDF aquí o en Word editable aquí. Yo uso ese calendario común, vacío y lo lleno, lo pego en el refrigerador para que los niños puedan ver las actividades, o lo anexo a una carpeta de 3 aros.
Adapta las ideas a tus necesidades. 💡Recomiendo utilizar un calendario tangible para que no te distraiga el celular y sólo pasar por ejemplo a Google calendar los eventos para los cuales necesites recordatorio/alarma.

¡BONUS! Descarga el super bonito Plan de oración familiar de Abril de nuestros amigos de LifeWay Mujeres:

P.D. En pequeños videos/historias estaré compartiendo algunas ideas para que organices tu vida y que seas más productiva para la gloria de Dios, ¡espero te sirvan! Aún estoy encuestando para saber dónde te gusta más ver este tipo de contenido… ¿En youtube, en instagram stories, en IGTV en video en Facebook? Por lo pronto, puedes encontrarlo en mi instagram, facebook o youtube.