When the Stars Disappear Help and Hope from Stories of Suffering in Scripture by Mark Talbot - Crossway

When the Stars Disappear Help and Hope from Stories of Suffering in Scripture by Mark Talbot - Crossway

pub date 25 ago 2020
you can pre-order here https://amzn.to/3kDXQVi

I can´t talk for all of the presbyterian authors, because I don´t know them all, but the ones I have read are very, very enjoyable. This is the first time I take one of Mark Talbot´s book. The title got me. I think all of us have been there, where everything becomes dark, nothing makes sense and you just forget about things you thought were going to be always there. I know it is when we need to go to the fountain of truth, go to stories of saints who endure till the end. "We need to feel scripture plumbing the life-despairing depths of human suffering. It is what you need, to know there is true hope and even when you see not stars, not even the light at the end of the tunnel, there is light for every step of the way. I pray this book to encourage many.
"We need to know how to maintain our faith and hope even in the midst of our suffering. And we need assurance that God will carry us through".
"Suffering has been near the center of a biblical outlook almost from the start. It has never surprised god, an so it shouldn´t surprise us".
The book is full of biblical references, a lot, I like when the author writes the bible verse and adds the book and number at the end, because when not, the book is full with numbers and parenthesis (that is just a personal preference). 
I will continue reading books about lament, suffering, pain, hope, and faith, because is part of life and because sadly, a lot of people don´t like to talk about it.


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