Hogar Bajo su Gracia por Karla de Fernandez - B&H Español

En cuanto salió el libro de Karla lo compré, leí y quise compartir aquí con ustedes. ¿Por qué? Porque no es común leer libros cristianos en español, de no ficción, cuyo autor sea mujer y además mexicana. Leo mucho, así que créeme, no es algo que suceda todo los días; quizá por eso tener este libro en mano me pone feliz y quiero apoyar su lanzamiento. Que un libro "nazca" implica mucho, si estás familiarizado con el mundo editorial, lo sabes. 

Apoyar un autor latino, mexicano, implica el sembrar y apoyar a los próximos autores latinos también, es sostener la puerta abierta para que otros pasen y compartan lo que Dios ha hecho en su vida, es decirle a las casas editoriales: "¡Gracias por publicar material original en español! no sólo traducir autores extranjeros y distribuir su contenido, por favor, síganlo haciendo, lo agradecemos y continuaremos buscando y apoyando al consumir obras escritas por talento local".

Siempre me es sorprendente escuchar o en este caso, leer, cómo el Evangelio transforma el corazón y enfoca los deseos de una persona hacia Su voluntad. Lo que más disfruté de Karla en este libro (no te preocupes, sin "spoilers") es cómo se vulnera y comparte sus luchas de forma que el lector pueda imaginar cómo era para ella "estar ahí", y cómo otras pueden ser animadas en su camino también. No lo escribe desde un "pedestal" donde "ya llegó" sino comprendes que "sigue ahí" en su proceso...

El libro está saturado de porciones bíblicas que puedes leer junto con el libro. Una de mis partes favoritas, fue cuando su esposo se une al capítulo y cuenta su parte de la historia (me gusta escuchar los dos lados de la historia... no sólo uno). No creo que haya sido sencillo dejar al descubierto situaciones privadas como esas, pero creo que eso, precisamente, es lo que hace valioso un libro, la personalización de temas recurrentes con los que estamos familiarizados.

Lo que más disfruté del libro fueron las preguntas de reflexión, me tomé el tiempo de hacer una introspección, meditar y orar en las partes diseñadas para ello, lo disfruté, me hizo bien. Este libro puede originar temas de conversación útiles en un club de lectura, dada la naturaleza práctica de los temas las mujeres pueden sentir la confianza de abrir su corazón al igual que la autora y poder, ya sea individual o en grupo, obtener una riqueza al examinar su vida, prioridades y motivaciones respecto al corazón y el Hogar. 

Cabe señalar que el libro no es sólo para mujeres casadas, sino también solteras. Sin embargo, es un libro que considero que van a ser muy valorado, sobre todo por las mujeres que tienen un esposo no creyente, que luchan con su rol como mujer y sus prioridades ya sea en el matrimonio, hogar o con los hijos. Karla comparte sus luchas y el proceso en cómo ha cambiado su caminar en estos aspectos y sé que todo ello les dará esperanza. Conocí a Karla en la blogósfera y ha sido un verdadero deleite ver su metamorfósis en línea, estoy expectante para lo que venga después. 

Soy parte del Club de Lectura Virtual Internacional con la autora y disfruto mucho sus intervenciones alegres, espontáneas y sinceras (también cuando sus chiquitos aparecen en pantalla... pienso en los míos y me identifico), así como escuchar lo que Dios está haciendo en las compañeras de grupo, es enriquecedor y edificante. Considera utilizar este libro en tu próximo club de lectura, te animo a formar tu propio grupo con amigas, 1, 2, 5... no es necesario ser miles, y escuchar cómo Dios puede hablar a su corazón al leer libros como este. ¡Nos mandas fotos o nos cuentas cómo te fue! #HogarBajoSuGracia 

Una de mis varias frases favoritas del libro (te compartiré algunas más luego en redes sociales):

Este libro busca reflejar la belleza del llamado de Dios a las mujeres; que puedan llegar a amar, abrazar y vivir su papel de tal manera que glorifique a Dios en el hogar que está construyendo y los niños que está criando. En "Hogar bajo Su gracia", Karla de Fernández observa a las mujeres como madre, esposa y como hacedora de discípulos, y ofrece esperanza en Cristo para todas esas facetas de la vida.

Puedes adquirirlo aquí en formato impreso o digital: https://amzn.to/2Huo4b3

Fecha de estreno 1 de Junio 2019. #HogarBajoSuGracia 


First You Write a Sentence The Elements of Reading, Writing and Life by Joe Moran - Penguin Books

First You Write a Sentence The Elements of Reading, Writing and Life by Joe Moran - Penguin Books

I need to learn the lost art of writing clear, short, deep, logical, practical. Every time a read a book about writing I feel almost defeated, it really will take a lifetime to learn. We can read a lot about writing but if we don´t practice we will never ever complete a goal about it. I truly need to review these elements and go through my work. That is why this title got me thinking: you have to start somewhere. I enjoy reading other authors perspectives on this topic. I underlined and took some notes, let´s see where they take me. A writer, blogger or author may benefit from reading this book. 

you can get it here: https://amzn.to/31ZWSIJ


100 Extraordinary Stories of Prayer for Courageous Girls Unforgettable Tales of Women of Faith by Jean Fischer - Barbour Publishing, Inc.

100 Extraordinary Stories of Prayer for Courageous Girls Unforgettable Tales of Women of Faith by Jean Fischer - Barbour Publishing, Inc.

My girl just turned 9 and she really likes to read. I enjoy this kind of books to read together. I´m thankful about 100 stories together so I don´t have to be searching for inspiration. Women are amazing and a story always gives you what to talk about, questions pop up and bonding is great. If your time is limited and you want to inspire your girl with beautiful testimonies this book may be the right fit for you. 


#100ExtraordinaryStoriesOfPrayerForCourageousGirls #reviewaton

Boy mom by Monica Swanson - WaterBrook & Multnomah

Have you ever feel that? that you know nothing about boys? that is what I felt being a mom for the very first time and the baby was a little boy. What does he need? How are we goint to raise him? Since then I like to read about motherhood and boys. I really enjoy children, and hanging out with moms. This writer mom just has boys and she is unique. Have you ever listened to/read her? I bet you have. One of the things I knew I wanted before having kids was this: I want to be there, I want to enjoy them, I want to see them grow, I want to enjoy their childhood, I want to be involved in their life until they become responsible, mature, happy adults. I mean, they will be dads someday and have their own families... I´m thankful for other moms sharing their stories, ideas, resources, and practical wisdom to be the kind of mom God designed us to be.
You can get it here: https://amzn.to/2HnOhb6


You can stay home with your kids 100 tips, tricks and ways to make it work on a budget by Erin Odom - Zondervan

One of the things I knew I wanted before having kids was this: I want to be there, I want to enjoy them, I want to see them grow, I want to enjoy their childhood, I want to be involved in their life until they become responsible, mature, happy adults. But how!? we know we have to invest a lot to do that, so we have to produce a lot. So I´m thankful for this kind of resources, stories and ideas that light up a bulb in the brain and give us hope to achieve it.  Want to continue the discussion? did you read the book? let's talk about it. Book ideas are helpful.


When Faith Fails Finding God in the Shadow of Doubt by Dominic Done - Harper Collins, Thomas Nelson

Have you ever been there? where do you think everything disappeared? faded? went away? I have read many books on faith issues, testimonies about people who believed and then regretted or forget about everything they were standing for. Comprehend the human mind, the faith and other unseen issues represent a big mystery to me. I enjoy reading different perspectives about this topic that is why I choose to give this book a try. There are some topics I don't agree with her and others I do, probably that it is what you are going to feel when you read her lines. Reading bible examples help and talk about them with others too, that is what you are going to feel and think about. Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for an arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest opinion. 

you can get it here: https://amzn.to/2ZlgZzr



Jesus in Me Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion by Anne Graham Lotz - WaterBrook & Multnomah

Jesus in Me Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion by Anne Graham Lotz - WaterBrook & Multnomah


Joyful Surrender by Elisabeth Elliot - Revell

Joyful Surrender by Elisabeth Elliot - Revell

Every time I think about Elisabeth Elliot I wish I could have a friend just like her in real life. I have cherished her through her words through the years. Her ideas are full of deep, pain, wisdom and sometimes they cut like a knife, others they feel like a warm balsam. The word Joy and Surrender together is very original, just as she is. We don´t use to think about surrender like joy in life. Discipline is one of the words I think when I think about her. If you are lacking wisdom in those areas you need to pick this book asap. She speaks about: Discipline of our mind (which I find the hardest) our body (the hardest 2nd place), our place, our time (hardest 3rd place), our possessions, our feelings, and our work. You want to change, read it, you want a challenge, read it, but most of all: commit. When she wrote the book, I was just 3yrs old, what an awesome thing to think about.

You can order the book here: https://amzn.to/2HniAyC


I just reviewed Joyful Surrender by Elisabeth Elliot. #JoyfulSurrender # #Reviewaton

Writing to Be Understood What Works and Why by Anne Janzer Narrated by Anne Janzer - Cuesta Park Consulting

Writing to Be Understood What Works and Why by Anne Janzer Narrated by Anne Janzer -  Cuesta Park Consulting

pub date 9 ago 2019
you can order it here: https://amzn.to/2FjWI9g

I listened to the audiobook of this title. To be honest, at first, I didn´t like her voice (I´m sorry but it is true), but I´m so glad I didn´t stop listening because later, I enjoyed it, when you know it is the author it is better, they give the intonation when it is supposed to be. She is very interesting and I´m thankful about her teaching. Some chapters were very interesting, when they talk about the brain and how things are interesting to you, how to capture attention and all those details, I truly enjoyed them. The book is useful and interesting, some chapters more than others. It is full of ideas to implement when you write. I liked that it talks about non-fiction a lot, I really prefer to write nonfiction, then I found it useful. Most books about reading are about fiction, creating characters and things like that, that is the best about this one. 4 hours and 42 minutes well invested. I would like to add that I listened the audiobook, but I want to get the printed version to underline and take notes, I kind of like that. Can´t wait to implement what I learned.


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