Joyful Surrender by Elisabeth Elliot - Revell

Joyful Surrender by Elisabeth Elliot - Revell

Every time I think about Elisabeth Elliot I wish I could have a friend just like her in real life. I have cherished her through her words through the years. Her ideas are full of deep, pain, wisdom and sometimes they cut like a knife, others they feel like a warm balsam. The word Joy and Surrender together is very original, just as she is. We don´t use to think about surrender like joy in life. Discipline is one of the words I think when I think about her. If you are lacking wisdom in those areas you need to pick this book asap. She speaks about: Discipline of our mind (which I find the hardest) our body (the hardest 2nd place), our place, our time (hardest 3rd place), our possessions, our feelings, and our work. You want to change, read it, you want a challenge, read it, but most of all: commit. When she wrote the book, I was just 3yrs old, what an awesome thing to think about.

You can order the book here:


I just reviewed Joyful Surrender by Elisabeth Elliot. #JoyfulSurrender # #Reviewaton

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