En sólo 60 páginas Randy Alcorn da respuesta a preguntas más comunes sobre el Cielo, GRATIS legalmente este kindle ebook sólo durante hoy y mañana.
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“Randy Alcorn, who is both author and narrator, speaks with warmth as he provides a sampling of questions and answers from his book HEAVEN. In a seamless narration he explains why we will meet our loved ones in heaven and whether we will recognize them. He richly describes the splendor of heaven, from streets of gold to walls of precious stones. With an effortless delivery he explains how we can be sure we will go to heaven, then explores the differences between earthly time and heaven, where time is never measured. His interpretation of whether our beloved pets will meet us there is fascinating. Other questions--will we have bodies?-- how we will travel?-- will we bored?--are fascinating. This is an excellent excerpt from his book. G.D.W. © AudioFile 2009, Portland, Maine”