Companions in the Darkness Seven Saints Who Struggled with Depression and Doubt by Diana Gruver - InterVarsity Press

Companions in the Darkness Seven Saints Who Struggled with Depression and Doubt by Diana Gruver - InterVarsity Press

you can get it here: 
pub date 24 nov 2020

Even when we are in 2020 there is so much stigma related to depression. We may have more information now, but if you have suffered from depression you know there is a long way to overcome this issue. There is a lot of stigma around this topic. This book talks about people we all know who suffered from depression: Spurgeon, Martin Luther King Jr, and other saints. It is encouraging to read this and know that even in deep and dark holes, hope rises. It is amazing to me to realize God not just knows about this but He let this happen, for a reason. There are valuable lessons you will get from this book. It is beautiful to remember we don´t walk alone when going through lonely and dark valleys.


The Anne of Green Gables Devotional A Chapter-by-Chapter Companion for Kindred Spirits by Rachel Dodge - Barbour Publishing, Inc.

The Anne of Green Gables Devotional A Chapter-by-Chapter Companion for Kindred Spirits by Rachel Dodge - Barbour Publishing, Inc.

you can pre order here:

pub date 1 nov 2020 


La mayoría de los que conozco están interesados en Anne of Green Gables solo por la serie de Netflix ... Si lo pienso, me alegra que algunas personas al menos hayan comenzado a leer porque vieron una película o serie, pero también me entristece que una persona piense que el libro es el mismo que la serie. En este caso, encontré en la serie contenido "moderno" extra fusionado con el del libro, este tipo de contenidos "progresivos" quiere ser incluido en las mentes jóvenes y será al parecer la norma en todo el entretenimiento de aquí en delante, no debería sorprenderme, ya que sucede tanto hoy en día, solo estoy triste por los niños que aún no son capaces de discernir y son adoctrinados de manera sutil. Me pregunto si incluso los adultos notan estos cambios. De todos modos, sobre este libro en particular de devocionales, espero que te animen a hacer lo mismo con todo, en ser intencional en sacar lo precioso de lo vil, que te quedes con todas las hermosas enseñanzas. La autora de este devocional se tomó el tiempo para tomar algunas de esas enseñanzas y hacer una compañía para tu devocional si quieres hablar y enseñar diferentes temas. con las mentes jóvenes a tu alrededor. Espero terminarlo pronto.


Everyone I know is interested in Anne of Green Gables just for the Netflix series... If I think about It it makes me happy that some people at least started reading because they saw a movie or series, but it makes me sad a person thinks the book is the same as the series. In this case, I found a lovely content merged with progressive cultural content that wants to be included in young minds, I shouldn´t be surprised, since it happens all the time nowadays, I´m just sad about all the gils out there who are not able to discern yet and are indoctrinated in subtle ways. I wonder if even adults notice these changes. Anyway, about the book I hope you read and keep with you just all the beautiful teachings, the author of this devotional took the time to take some of those teachings and make a great company for your devotional if you want to talk and teach different topics with the young minds around you. Enjoy.



The Life You Long For Learning to Live from a Heart of Rest by Christy Nockels - WaterBrook & Multnomah

The Life You Long For Learning to Live from a Heart of Rest by Christy Nockels - WaterBrook & Multnomah  

pub date 10 nov 2020
you can pre order here: 

She is an artist. It must be this way... you start on the inside and it pours to the ouside. It can never be different. When I read this book it al made sence. This author has been part of my life and she will never know the blessing she has been for my life. The innumerable times we have been together in my kitchen, sharing tears (my tears). I appreciate her heart, her detail, her blooming words. I´m also thankful for her friends, I wish I could have that kind of friends. Friends who not just encourage you to do things for God, to be faithful just where you are, but friends who are happy when God teaches you something, leads you somewhere, and have you in his palm. Not everyone can deal with that. I´m happy to read there are other ladies out there who are trying to be faithful just where they are... not looking for something else, shiny things are irrelevant for them. It doesn´t matter the culture, it matters the heart, the eternal, the purpose God graved in our hearts. I don´t want to spoil this book to you. It was a lovely companion during my recovery time in bed, before surgery. God gave me peace through those pages, the Bible in one hand and Christy´s songs in the background, sweet time. I wish I could thank her someday. Who knows the future? probably someday in some event or workshop or something. I wish I could be there, singing in a small and private living room while we give glory to God for His faithfulness. I think I relate with her because we share some things in common. I love art, I love people but love my silence and space. I also grew up around very "famous and important people" (in my own mini country obviously) and I was in the music environment for years, I was surrounded with "prominent" people and that gives you another perspective of things, you see that the things people admire and follows it are not how they think. She gets that. I also quite everything to invest in my home. The last years I have said no to the most "awesome" opportunities in the eyes of everyone: family, friends, world, church and ministry friends. Some have thought that is a waste (of time, gifts, and life) they don´t even know what are they talking about, they don´t know the process inside your head and heart. This is one of the memorable books I will have for 2020. I´m so thankful about Christy, I pray for her and her family. Some people think they understand but if you don´t live it you don´t really know what are you talking about, you have to be there to really understand.

Debe ser así ... empiezas por dentro y lo que eres se vierte hacia fuera. Nunca puede ser diferente. Cuando leí este libro, todo tuvo sentido (sobre ella). Esta autora ha sido parte de mi vida y nunca conocerá la bendición que ha sido para mi. No sabe de las innumerables veces que hemos estado juntas en mi cocina, compartiendo lágrimas (mis lágrimas). Aprecio su corazón, sus detalles, sus palabras florecientes. También estoy agradecida por sus amigos, desearía poder tener ese tipo de amigos. Amigos que no solo te animan a hacer cosas para Dios, a ser fiel allí donde estás, sino amigos que son felices cuando Dios te enseña algo, te lleva a algún lugar y te tiene en la palma de la mano. No todo el mundo puede lidiar con eso. Me alegra leer que hay otras mujeres que están tratando de ser fieles allí donde están ... sin buscar otra cosa, las cosas brillantes son irrelevantes. No importa la cultura, importa el corazón, lo eterno, el propósito que Dios grabó en nuestros corazones. No quiero estropearles este libro. Fue un compañero encantador durante mi tiempo de recuperación en la cama, antes de la cirugía. Dios me dio paz a través de esas páginas, la Biblia en una mano y las canciones de Christy de fondo, dulce tiempo. Ojalá pudiera agradecerle algún día. ¿Quién conoce el futuro? probablemente algún día en algún evento o taller o algo así. Ojalá pudiera estar allí, cantando en una sala pequeña y privada mientras le damos gloria a Dios por su fidelidad. Creo que me relaciono aquí porque compartimos algunas cosas en común. También crecí rodeada de gente muy "famosa e importante" (en mi propio mini entorno y mini circulo comparado con el suyo, obviamente, pero los absurdos son los mismos) y estuve en el ambiente musical durante años, estuve rodeado de gente "prominente" y eso te da otra perspectiva de las cosas, ves lo que realmente importa y ves de cerca cómo idolatran lo terrenal, simples morales, ves que las cosas que la gente admira y sigue no son como piensan. Ella lo entiende. También todo lo que se deja para invertir en casa. Los últimos años he dicho NO a las oportunidades más "asombrosas" a los ojos de todos: familia, amigos, amigos del mundo, de la iglesia y del ministerio. Algunos han pensado que es una pérdida (de tiempo, regalos y vida), ni siquiera saben de qué están hablando, no conocen el proceso dentro de su cabeza y corazón. Este es uno de los libros memorables que tendré para el 2020. Estoy muy agradecida por Christy, oro por ella y su familia. Algunas personas saben, comprenden porque lo han vivido, las demás solo pueden decir "lo comprendo", pero no lo han sentido. Nunca será igual.


Becoming Elisabeth Elliot by Ellen Vaughn - B&H Publishing Group (B&H Books, Holman Bibles, B&H Español, and B&H Kids)

Becoming Elisabeth Elliot by Ellen Vaughn - B&H Publishing Group (B&H Books, Holman Bibles, B&H Español, and B&H Kids)

you can pre order it here:
publish date: 15 sept 2020

El día que Elisabeth Elliot murió, lloré. Es extraño, pero me pasa con algunas personas. No porque las idolatre o las vaya a extrañar, sino porque agradezco que haya habido una vida así, no perfecta, pero sí inspiradora y ejemplar que apuntaba a Cristo, Su Palabra y lo eterno.. No la conocía, nunca la vi en persona, pero sus palabras (habladas, escritas), sus ideas y testimonio ha tenido un gran impacto en mi vida. Su vida y la de otras mujeres, simplemente me impacta, me intriga, me llena de preguntas y también de esperanza. No diría que este libro sea "inspirador" (el foreword de Joni Earekson Tada sí), pero aunque no me haya inspirado mucho (como otros de la propia Elisabeth), sí reconozco que me respondió varias preguntas de Elisabeth y Jim, también me dejó muchos cabos sueltos y otras muchas preguntas en el aire. Creo que la autora lo hizo a propósito, y por respeto, como dejándolo a que el lector una los puntos. La vulnerabilidad y humanidad de estas personas está en cada página, por ello Dios brilla más. Estoy expectante por la segunda parte de este libro (que ya está prometida). Estoy muy agradecida por el tiempo que esta escritora, Ellen Vaughn se tomó para poner este libro impreso... también por la oportunidad de revisarlo con antelación a su estreno, es un honor. Espero que mi hija conozca a este tipo de mujeres, no solo en libros, sino en la vida real, es una de mis oraciones, entre otra lista de nombres. Y que ella también sea una mujer que apunte a otros a Cristo.

The day Elisabeth Elliot died, I cried. It's strange, but it happens to me with some people. Not because I idolize or miss them, but because I am grateful that there has been a life like this, not perfect, but inspiring and exemplary that pointed to Christ, His Word and the eternal. I did not know her, I never saw her in person, but her words (spoken, written), her ideas, and testimony have had a great impact on my life. Her life and that of other women simply shocks me, intrigues me, fills me with questions, and also with hope. I would not say that this book is "inspiring" (Joni Eareckson Tada's foreword yes), but although it did not inspire me much (like others by Elisabeth herself), I do admit that it answered several questions from Elisabeth and Jim, it also left me many loose ends and many other questions in the air. I think the author did it on purpose, and out of respect, as if leaving it up to the reader to connect the dots. The vulnerability and humanity of these people is on every page, so God shines brighter. I am looking forward to the second part of this book (which is already promised). I am so grateful for the time that this writer, Ellen Vaughn took to get this book in print ... also for the opportunity to review it in advance of its release, it's an honor. I hope my daughter meets these types of women, not only in books but in real life, it is one of my prayers, among other list of names. And may she also be a woman who points others to Christ.


When the Stars Disappear Help and Hope from Stories of Suffering in Scripture by Mark Talbot - Crossway

When the Stars Disappear Help and Hope from Stories of Suffering in Scripture by Mark Talbot - Crossway

pub date 25 ago 2020
you can pre-order here

I can´t talk for all of the presbyterian authors, because I don´t know them all, but the ones I have read are very, very enjoyable. This is the first time I take one of Mark Talbot´s book. The title got me. I think all of us have been there, where everything becomes dark, nothing makes sense and you just forget about things you thought were going to be always there. I know it is when we need to go to the fountain of truth, go to stories of saints who endure till the end. "We need to feel scripture plumbing the life-despairing depths of human suffering. It is what you need, to know there is true hope and even when you see not stars, not even the light at the end of the tunnel, there is light for every step of the way. I pray this book to encourage many.
"We need to know how to maintain our faith and hope even in the midst of our suffering. And we need assurance that God will carry us through".
"Suffering has been near the center of a biblical outlook almost from the start. It has never surprised god, an so it shouldn´t surprise us".
The book is full of biblical references, a lot, I like when the author writes the bible verse and adds the book and number at the end, because when not, the book is full with numbers and parenthesis (that is just a personal preference). 
I will continue reading books about lament, suffering, pain, hope, and faith, because is part of life and because sadly, a lot of people don´t like to talk about it.


Pandemics, Plagues, and Natural Disasters What is God Saying to Us? by Erwin W. Lutzer - Moody Publishers

If you have any questions. God has answers. But do we listen? Do we really want to know? Do we care? Are we in peace even when we don´t get an answer? or the answer we all want? This pandemic time in history has brought so many questions. Every single day since day number 1, I have been listening to questions. Not just from my family or children but from everyone I have been in touch.

This is absolutely not the kind of book that I pick to read for fun (to be honest) but since I have read Erwin W. Lutzer in the past and I think he has a sober mind and I truly enjoy the way he orders the info in his books I just couldn´t help it and have to try this one, also because Moody Publishers don´t disappoint.

I find this very short 96 pages, book very useful if you have questions about pain, suffering, the future, you start to lose hope or feel like losing faith, also if you want to have an interesting chat with the next people who approaches you with this topic. If we think there is suffering right now, we don´t know anything about eternal suffering... it is something we must have in mind. It helped me to focus on the important in the middle of this turmoil.

Pub Date:
16 Jul 2020
you can get it here:

Where is God When We Suffer?
God’s silence in the midst of human suffering is a great mystery of our existence. Faced with mass suffering, such as pandemics, plagues, and natural disasters, we may wonder whether God actually cares about us or whether He just says that He does.

Pandemics, Plagues, and Natural Disasters: What is God Saying to Us? helps explain the role of God in suffering. Dr. Erwin Lutzer examines how God uses tragedies throughout the Bible to speak to His people, and that, ultimately, God always has our well-being in mind even when He doesn’t relieve our immediate pain. Perhaps most importantly, find lasting joy and relief by learning how times of such widespread trouble reveal God’s ultimate plans for our salvation from all temporary and eternal suffering.
Pandemics, Plagues, and Natural Disasters by Erwin W. Lutzer. #PandemicsPlaguesandNaturalDisasters

God on the Brain What Cognitive Science Does (and Does Not) Tell Us about Faith, Human Nature, and the Divine by Bradley L. Sickler - Crossway

God on the Brain What Cognitive Science Does (and Does Not) Tell Us about Faith, Human Nature, and the Divine by Bradley L. Sickler - Crossway

you can get it here:

I like to read everything about the brain. I like to read about neuroscience and new discoveries in this mysterious part of our body. When I saw this title in Crossway it captured my attention because it is not common for this publisher this kind of content, but am all in. I am always nervous about authors I don´t know but I like to get to know them. I think every Christian counselor must keep reading about this kind of topics when they are available. It is interesting to read about a lot of philosopher ideas, and also many views of the mind and other concerns about mind and body. Human nature is amazing. 


God on the Brain by Bradley L. Sickler. #GodontheBrain

Pub Date: 21 Jul 2020

Why Is My Teenager Feeling Like This? A Guide for Helping Teens through Anxiety and Depression by David Murray - Crossway

pub date 14 jul 2020
you can get it here

When I saw this title I thought: no one deserves to feel like that, let alone a teenager, let alone the teens you love. But it happens, more than we can imagine. Do you remember your own struggles during those years? I have seen more resources about these 2 topics because they seem like the newest cultural pandemic. This resource you can pair with the one for the teen (if you are the leader or parent). This guide has the goal of you to understand how depression affects your soul, body, and relationships, I think it is useful for the parent to get it too. I wish as a mom and counselor this problem to diminish, not to rise. I hope all of us could cooperate for that to happen. If our teen is healthy we need to think about his friends.


A Note From the Publisher

Advance Praise

A Practical Guide for Praying Parents by Erwin W. Lutzer - Moody Publishers

A Practical Guide for Praying Parents by Erwin W. Lutzer - Moody Publishers

you can get it here:
pub date 7 jul 2020 

If you don´t know how to start or how to pray you may find this book very helpful. My two grandmas have always prayed for me, every day, by name (even when they have several grandchildren). One of them passed away, she was the one who prayed every night and I always think: Now I only have one grandma who prays for me every day... what a legacy. I want to be that kind of parent for my children. One who always prays for them and they can be sure not a single day passes without prayer. I still have the grandma who prays every morning... I want to tell the same to my children, and if God allows to my grandchildren. This short book gives you the ideas of topics to pray every day of the week, also for your family and the nation, it involves the fast for them as well. Wednesdays are the day I have chosen to focus on them. Sometimes I forget the power of prayer, but then I see the grace and care God has with me and I know it is because of some other people's prayers.  I want to have prayers that matter, not just meaningless repetition or a grocery list of requests. It is important to pray scripture. This book is helpful for parents and grandparents. I think it would be lovely if teachers and leaders read it to and get involved praying for their students more often. 


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