Ten Words to Live By Delighting in and Doing What God Commands by Jen Wilkin - Crossway

 Ten Words to Live By Delighting in and Doing What God Commands by Jen Wilkin - Crossway

you can get it here: https://amzn.to/2NrPpka
30 march 2021

¿Importan los 10 mandamientos en el 2021? ¿Son las tablas de la ley relevantes hoy en día? Este libro te hará considerarlo. Si tú también te preguntas cómo vivir en obediencia y a la vez en libertad, este contenido te ayudará a comprenderlo. Jen Wilkin escribe de una manera útil, clara y ordenada, por eso he adquirido sus libros anteriores también. Este material es útil si quieres estudiarlo de manera individual o alguien te ha preguntado sobre este tema. 

Do the 10 commandments matter in 2021? Are the tables of the law relevant today? This book will make you consider it. If you are also wondering how to live in obedience and at the same time in freedom, this content will help you understand it. Jen Wilkin writes in a useful, clear, and orderly way, which is why I have purchased her previous books as well. This material is useful if you want to study it individually or someone has asked you about this topic.

Some quotes:
“This is a book about the law of God in all of its life-giving beauty. In the church today there exists a great forgetfulness about the role of the law in the life of the believer. This book is an exercise in remembrance.”

"We should love the law because we love Jesus, and because Jesus loves the law. Contrary to common belief, the Pharisees were not lovers of the law; they were lovers of self."
"The Christian faith is absolutely about relationship. But while that faith is personal, it is also communal. We are saved into special relationship with God, and thereby into special relationship with other believers. Christianity, is about relationship with God and others, and because this statement is true, Christianity is also unapologetically about rules, for rules show us how to love in those relationships."

Ten Words to show us the pattern of Christlikeness and to stir in us a longing for the kingdom to come. Ten words to convict us, to shape us, and to give us hope. Ten Words that Jesus came not to abolish but to fulfill.

“Herein lies our forgetfulness. Rather than seeing the sin of lawlessness as the barrier to relationship with God, we have steadily grown to regard the law itself as the barrier. We have come to believe that rules prevent relationship.”

“That deliverance entailed not just leaving behind the land of Egypt, but leaving behind the ways of Egypt. Each of the ten plagues was more than just a dramatic sign to Pharaoh that he must release the Hebrews. Each was a symbolic defeat of an Egyptian deity. Osiris, whose bloodstream was believed to be the Nile, bleeds out before his worshipers when Yahweh turns the Nile to blood. In reverence to Heqet, the frog-goddess of birth, Egyptians regarded frogs as sacred and not to be killed. Yahweh slays them by the thousands. Egyptian gods governing fertility, crops, livestock, and health are all shown to be impotent before the mighty outstretched arm of Israel’s God. In the ninth plague of darkness, Yahweh demonstrates his rule over the sun god Ra, whom Pharaoh was believed to embody. And in the final plague, the death of the firstborn, God shows himself supreme over the entire Egyptian pantheon by demonstrating his power over life and death.”

“While legalism builds self-righteousness, lawfulness builds righteousness. Obedience to the law is the means of sanctification for the believer.”

“Until that time of faith becoming sight, we strive to look like Christ. If there is to be whittling, let it be the whittling away of our sins of commission. If there is to be carving, let it be the carving out of our sins of omission. The Ten Words show us how to live on earth as in heaven, conforming to the image of Christ as representatives of Yahweh. They are engraving tools. The more we obey them, the more we reflect his character, visibly, to a world that very much needs us to.”

“Though Edison’s “Let there be light” may have ushered us into sleeplessness, the divine Creator who uttered “Let there be light” also benevolently and pointedly declares “Let there be rest.”


Lead Like It Matters to God Values-Driven Leadership in a Success-Driven World by Rich Stearns Narrated by Rich Stearns - RB Media

Lead Like It Matters to God Values-Driven Leadership in a Success-Driven World by Rich Stearns Narrated by Rich Stearns - RB Media

you can get the kindle book here: https://amzn.to/3wG1raL

I´ve enjoyed the content of this author because it is real (I also enjoyed he recorded with his own voice). As you read/listen you can tell he has been in the middle of many different situations no everyone is related to. I´m thankful for his experience leading big organizations in difficult times and how he has put integrity first. Some years ago we have read some of his content (remember I told you about The hole in our gospel?) some things he said in this book made me understand some things he said in the other one. If you are involved in leading and you want to do it with honor and high values, read this and be encouraged. The main content of this book focuses on character. It is a good idea for parents to listen to this with their sons or gift it to them if you see they may be called to leadership, also for men in youth groups. 


Wingfeather Tales Seven Thrilling Stories from the World of Aerwiar by Jonathan Rogers; N. D. Wilson; Jennifer Trafton; Douglas Kaine McKelvey - WaterBrook & Multnomah

Wingfeather Tales Seven Thrilling Stories from the World of Aerwiar by Jonathan Rogers; N. D. Wilson; Jennifer Trafton; Douglas Kaine McKelvey - WaterBrook & Multnomah

you can get it on kindle or printed

Los autores que escriben ficción me intrigan. Creo que Andrew Peterson es brillante como compositor, cantante y escritor. Con su libro "Adorning the Dark" me ganó. Sus sagas son llenas de aventuras y llamativas para los niños. Desconozco si serán traducidos al español pero me gustaría, para regalarlos a niños que aprecio. Me gusta cuando un autor sabe que su trabajo en una historia ha terminado, pero cuando sabe que su cerebro seguirá teniendo ideas fantasiosas y puede seguir expandiendo historias interesantes para los amantes de la saga. Este es un excelente trabajo en equipo que no solo puede capturar a tus hijos, sino explotar tu mente como adulto mientras estas personas tan dotadas te dan un viaje por los laberintos de su imaginación. Qué deleite imagina conocer y trabajar con personas así. Espero que disfrutes mucho su trabajo a través de este libro también.

Authors who write fiction intrigue me. I think Andrew Peterson is brilliant as a songwriter, singer, and writer. With his book "Adorning the Dark" he beat me. His sagas are full of adventures and eye-catching for children. I do not know if they will be translated into Spanish but I would like to give them to children I appreciate. I like when an author knows that his work on a story is over, but when he knows that his brain will continue to have fanciful ideas and can continue to expand interesting stories for lovers of the saga. This is excellent teamwork that can not only capture your children but explode your mind as an adult as these gifted people take you on a journey through the mazes of their imaginations. What a delight he imagines meeting and working with such people. I hope you really enjoy your work through this book as well.


10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity by Rebecca McLaughlin - Crossway

 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity by Rebecca McLaughlin - Crossway

you can get it here https://amzn.to/3txmQ4d

Al ir creciendo mis hijos más me interesan este tipo de contenidos. Creo que la fe no debe estar peleada con la razón y siempre debemos estar preparados para dar respuestas a sus preguntas. Tanto si tienes hijos muy curiosos y preguntones, como si tienes hijos que no se hacen preguntas a sí mismos, te invito a enseñarlos a cuestionarse lo que les decimos, lo que leen, lo que les enseñan, lo que creen. Para conocer esto, la mejor manera es conversando, preguntando, escuchando. Este es un recurso que te puede ayudar a iniciar conversaciones de verdad y fe para saber lo que tus hijos o adolescentes a tu alrededor creen. Lo que no me gustó mucho es que hace muchas referencias a libros o programas que no he visto, entonces no las relacioné tan bien, pero es un punto que otros padres consideran positivo porque los adolescentes lo comprenden y asimilan mejor. Si te lo preguntas, los íconos de la portada representan los temas tratados en el libro.
Algunos temas tratados son: los beneficios de la vida cristiana, diversidad, esclavitud, rasismo, relativismo, verdad, evangelismo, identidad humana, hitler, stalin, mortalidad, aborto, evidencias de la resurrección, verdadero vs literal, origenes de la ciencia, controversias de fe, científicos cristianes actuales, matrimonio, sexo, soltería, amistad, atracción al mismo sexo, pornografía, abuso, género, feminismo, transgenero, identidades no binarias, sufrimiento, oración, propósito, cielo, infierno, pecado, juicio, salvación...

As my children grow up, I am more interested in this type of content. I believe that faith should not be at odds with reason and we must always be ready to answer your questions. Whether you have very curious and wondering children, or if you have children who do not ask themselves questions, I invite you to teach them to question what we tell them, what they read, what they teach them, what they believe. What I did not like very much is that it makes many references to books or programs that I have not seen, so I did not relate them so well, but it is a point that other parents consider positive because adolescents understand and assimilate it better. To know this, the best way is by talking, asking, listening. This is a resource that can help you start conversations of truth and faith to know what your children or adolescents around you believe. Some topics covered are the benefits of the Christian life, diversity, slavery, racism, relativism, truth, evangelism, human identity, Hitler, Stalin, mortality, abortion, evidence of the resurrection, true vs literal, origins of science, controversies of faith, current Christian scientists, marriage, sex, singleness, friendship, same-sex attraction, pornography, abuse, gender, feminism, transgender, identities or binaries, suffering, prayer, purpose, heaven, hell, sin, judgment, salvation. ..


TERMINAR When Faith Is Forbidden 40 Days on the Frontlines with Persecuted Christians by Todd Nettleton; The Voice of the Martyrs - Moody Publishers


you can pre-order it here: https://amzn.to/3gaVAD4 .
pub: date: march 2 2021

Qué importante contenido. Considero que no hay ningún cristiano que no se vea beneficiado de leer este tipo de libros. La voz de los mártires siempre tiene el don de recordarme lo verdadero e importante al seguir a Cristo. Este es el tipo de libros que quiero que mis hijos lean, este es el tipo de héroes anónimos que alguien consideró importante poner en una plataforma como esta para que los conozcamos, veamos su realidad y seamos retados en nuestra cómoda vida en países donde no hay violencia o persecusión como la que ellos viven. Me quedo con el agradecimiento a Dios por su presencia en cada vida a persar de cualquier dificultad vivida y con el reto de enfocarme en lo importante, con la encomienda de orar por cada persona en tales circunstancias y el reto de estar dispuesta a vivir ese tipo de fe radical.

What important content. I believe that there is no Christian who does not benefit from reading these types of books. The voice of the martyrs always has the gift of reminding me of what is true and important in following Christ. These are the type of books that I want my children to read, these are the type of anonymous heroes that someone considered important to put on a platform like this so that we can meet them, see their reality, and be challenged in our comfortable lives in countries where there are no violence or persecution like the one they experience. I remain grateful to God for his presence in each life despite any difficulties experienced and with the challenge of focusing on what is important, with the task of praying for each person in such circumstances, and the challenge of being willing to live that type of radical faith.


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