Companions in the Darkness Seven Saints Who Struggled with Depression and Doubt by Diana Gruver - InterVarsity Press

Companions in the Darkness Seven Saints Who Struggled with Depression and Doubt by Diana Gruver - InterVarsity Press

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pub date 24 nov 2020

Even when we are in 2020 there is so much stigma related to depression. We may have more information now, but if you have suffered from depression you know there is a long way to overcome this issue. There is a lot of stigma around this topic. This book talks about people we all know who suffered from depression: Spurgeon, Martin Luther King Jr, and other saints. It is encouraging to read this and know that even in deep and dark holes, hope rises. It is amazing to me to realize God not just knows about this but He let this happen, for a reason. There are valuable lessons you will get from this book. It is beautiful to remember we don´t walk alone when going through lonely and dark valleys.


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