Live Your Truth and Other Lies by Alisa Childers Exposing Popular Deceptions That Make Us Anxious, Exhausted, and Self-Obsessed - Tyndale House Publishers

Siempre va a ser de mucho ánimo e impacto para mi escuchar historias de personas que cambiaron su cosmovisión al ser impactadas con la verdad. Este es el caso de Alisa Childers. Me gusta que en su libro no se trata todo de "ella" y "su testimonio" sino solo se tocan aspectos importantes para que comprendas su trasfondo y cómo este definitivamente tiene que ver con los temas expuestos por ella. Agradacida por sus esfuerzos para que la generación posmoderna inmersa en círculos que se autodenominan cristianos pero sus enseñanzas son manipuladoras, falsas o confusas, puedan analizarlo todo y cuestionar en dónde están parados. Es un libro con temas importantes a cuestionar y no porque tenga temas profundos, está escrito de una forma sumamente corta, sencilla y comprensible, quizá para comenzar a cuestionarte sobre estos temas y luego ir a contenidos más profundos y sustanciosos. Recordemos que es su esfuerzo de acuerdo a lo que ha experimentado y vivido. De acuerdo a tus creencias de si somos "malos" o "buenos" también algunas partes sentirás un poco de cringe... pero eso mismo te hará cuestionar. Se puede sacar cosas buenas de este contenido, no esperes perfección, nada la tiene. Actualización: Quizá quieras escuchar la serie también de ella "
Another Gospel" en Revive Our HeartsIt will always be of great encouragement and impact for me to hear stories of people who changed their worldview when they were impacted by the truth. This is the case of Alisa Childers. I like that her book is not all about "her" and "her testimony" but only important aspects are touched on so that you understand her background and how this definitely has to do with the themes she exposes. Grateful for your efforts so that the postmodern generation immersed in circles that call themselves Christian but their teachings are manipulative, false or confusing, can analyze everything and question where they stand. It is a book with important topics to question and not because it has deep topics, it is written in an extremely short, simple and understandable way, perhaps to start questioning yourself about these topics and then go to deeper and more substantial content. Let us remember that it is your effort according to what you have experienced and lived. Depending on your beliefs about whether we are "bad" or "good" some parts will also feel a little cringe... but that will make you question yourself. You can get good things from this content, don't expect perfection, nothing has it. Consider to listen this serie by her "
Another Gospel" in Revive Our HeartsLive Your Truth and Other Lies by Alisa Childers. #LiveYourTruthandOtherLies
Are you tired of feeling like you have to check social media to find out what you’re supposed to think?
Are you weary of the latest self-help books that promise to set you free but only imprison you with laundry lists of studies to consider, positive affirmations to recite, and Facebook groups to join?
We’ve all seen the memes that populate the internet:
live your truth, follow your heart, you only have one life to live. They sound nice and positive. But what if these slogans are actually lies that unhinge us from reality and leave us anxious and exhausted?
Another Gospel? author Alisa Childers invites you to examine modern lies that are disguised as truths in today’s culture. Everyday messages of peace, fulfillment, and empowerment swirl around social media. On the surface, they seem like sentiments of freedom and hope, but in reality they are deeply deceptive.
Live Your Truth (and Other Lies), Alisa will help you to:
- uncover the common lies repeated within progressive circles
- hold on to the soul-restoring truths that God’s Word offers
- be empowered to live the way your Creator designed you
Being the captain of your own destiny and striving to make your dreams a reality is a huge burden that you were never meant to bear. Discover true freedom instead.