The Grumble-Free Year Twelve Months, Eleven Family Members, and One Impossible Goal by Tricia Goyer Listen to an Audio Excerpt Nelson Books Thomas Nelson

The Grumble-Free Year Twelve Months, Eleven Family Members, and One Impossible Goal by Tricia Goyer  Listen to an Audio Excerpt Nelson Books Thomas Nelson

Pub Date 5 Nov 2019
you can get it here:

I like to hear about what people do to live without complaining, I find it very interesting, encouraging, and inspiring. I just took this book because I had heard about Tricia Goyer so much and wanted to know a little bit of her style. Every person and family is different, history, background, and personal decisions but you can not deny that when you hear an attempt like this you want to also do something similar to spice things a little bit. We must be thankful every day and remind ourselves life is so very short to whine. When I see things like this I wonder if they really do it to live the experience or because they had a book contract, probably we will never know for sure, but it is entertaining for sure. Every time you let God have the control of your life (actually He has it even if you don´t believe it) extraordinary things happen in our own little worlds. I hope and pray I can teach my children to endure everything and not to whine, eye roll, mumble, or complain about the things they must endure in life. Leave everything to God, trust in him, and have the best of attitude every day He allows them to live. 


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