Angry with God by Brad Hambrick - New Growth Press

Angry with God: An Honest Journey through Suffering and Betrayal (Ask the Christian Counselor) by Brad Hambrick - New Growth Press.



Published date: 26 sep 2022

He visto y escuchado más veces de las que quisiera, juicios a mi parecer acelerados, de personas, que quiero suponer son bien intencionadas, sobre otras personas, cuando creen que otros han "negado la fe", o están "en rebeldía", varias de esas ocasiones no ha sido así. Se entiende que no todas las personas son psicólogos o consejeros, por eso mismo es oportuno este recurso, para que cualquier persona pueda entender que no solo porque alguien está enojado, confundido, cansado, desilusionado o molesto por situaciones límite que le toca o le tocó enfrentar, no requiere gracia. Brad Hambrick hace un buen trabajo al escuchar, ir al fondo, comprender con el proceso de una persona en medio de traiciones, abandonos y problemáticas complejas. Recomiendo este libro para personas que no han vivido nada así y quieren de verdad ayudar a alguien con sus luchas y preguntas, así como para consejeros/psicólogos experimentados, hay ejercicios y dinámicas importantes para trabajar con sus aconsejados. Gracias a Dios por estos recursos.  

I have seen and heard more times than I would like, accelerated judgments, in my opinion, of people, who I want to assume are well-intentioned, about other people, when they believe that others have "denied the faith", or are "in rebellion", various of those occasions it has not been so. It is understood that not all people are psychologists or counselors, that is why this resource is opportune so that anyone can understand that not only because someone is angry, confused, tired, disappointed, or annoyed by extreme situations that touch him or touched his life, does not require grace. Brad Hambrick does a good job of listening, going deep, and understanding the process of a person in the midst of betrayals, abandonments, and complex problems. I recommend this book for people who have not experienced anything like this and really want to help someone with their struggles and questions, as well as for experienced counselors/psychologists, there are important exercises and dynamics to work with your clients. Thank God for these resources.

Description. No one gets mad at God for something small. When we're angry with God, it is because we've faced something immensely hard. Anger is an often-overlooked part of grieving, and as such, is an appropriate response to profoundly painful events. Counselor Brad Hambrick provides a guided process to being honest with God about your pain to restore and deepen your relationship with him. While we are often prone to interpret our anger about intense suffering as being at God, this book is an invitation to process these intense emotions with God as a source of comfort who is sturdy enough to support these turbulent emotions.

If you are struggling with deep grief that is accompanied with anger and confusion, Angry with God will be profoundly helpful in your journey. Hambrick will patiently walk you through the process of being honest with God (and others) about your pain. You will learn how to articulate your pain, alleviate the effects of this pain, contextualize your experience in light of the gospel, and begin to hope again. God is a good shepherd who is patient and willing to move at the pace of his sheep. God can be trusted in places that merit the name the valley of the shadow of death.

Angry with God is part of the Ask the Christian Counselor series. This series walks readers through their deepest and most profound questions. Each question is unpacked by an experienced counselor gives readers the tools to understand their struggle and how the gospel brings hope and healing to the problem they are facing.

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