Choose Greatness 11 wise decisions that brave young men make by Gary Chapman and Clarence Shuler - Northfield Publishing

Choose Greatness 11 wise decisions that brave young men make by Gary Chapman and Clarence Shuler - Northfield Publishing  

We are always looking for good lectures for our 12yo boy, that is why moms are also asking me for ideas for their own children to read.


When I saw this title I knew I wanted it for Him. It is a short book with 11 wise decisions the authors explore (with some other challenges involved). My son read one per afternoon, I asked about each chapter and at night he is discussing it with his dad about the questions involved at the end of each chapter.

The authors present eleven wise decisions young men need to make.
#1 Choose to Seek Wisdom from Parents or Trusted Adults
#2 Choose to Seek Knowledge through Education
#3 Choose to Make Technology Work for You
#4 Choose to Be Successful: Work Hard
#5 Choose to Respect Girls and Women
#6 Choose to Be Sexually Responsible
#7 Choose to Live Longer and Happier – Avoid Drugs and Alcohol
#8 Choose to Live Longer and Happier – Avoid Tobacco and Marijuana
#9 Choose to Build Diverse Friendships
#10 Choose to Invest Time in Helping Others
#11 Choose to Discover the Truth About God

I enjoyed you know which one is talking each time. I´m so thankful for this kind of resources for young men. Many moms have told me they are happy about wise decision #5. My love language is Acts of service, probably that is why I´m thankful about #10 wise decision "Chose to invest time in helping others"

Another mom asked me about the chapter about “choose to be sexually responsible”,I recommend you to read it first and decide how to talk about this with your child, reading along and talking in about it in a way he can understand and with the level of maturity he has. This culture is used to believe that being “responsible” is just to use condom, and it is not, I´m glad the authors didn´t share the topic with that light world view. The chapter is clear about consecuences and gives young men 3 higher challenges to be responsible. If you are interested and your kid is young, I recommend you to read it first and then with your son. Is a very short and easy to read book. 170 clean and vivid pages.

This book it is important, informative, wise and not toxic at all, it even encourages young men to respect girl and women. I read a very uninformed and false review about it… it is sad people write without reading the book, you need to read the whole book to give an opinion, and also must be validated with education when you write about it. It is sad, because what we need as a society is a well informed view about this generation. All I read in every page was 2 men educated author trying to help young men with facts, not just opinion. and also being respectful with men and women in the way they wrote.   

We need to teach our children to ask good questions, to find answers, and not to believe everything they hear.


Why do some teens thrive as adults while others struggle? What makes the difference?

Gary Chapman, the New York Times #1 bestselling author of The 5 Love Languages®, and Clarence Shuler met when Clarence was still a teen. Gary mentored Clarence and helped him make wise decisions during his tumultuous teen years. Decades later, the two are still close friends and both lead powerful ministries that help people all around the world live better, more godly lives.
Clarence saw the importance of someone coming alongside when he needed to make difficult but wise decisions. That’s why Gary and Clarence are teaming up to give this gift to other young men. In Choose Greatness, they look at 11 important choices every young man faces, and talk through how he can choose wisely and thereby choose greatness. Full of rich wisdom, down-to-earth writing, and compassionate insight, this book is perfect for a teen to read on their own or (even better) with a mentoring adult.
Help the teens in your life choose greatness today.

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