The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman - Revell Books

The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman - Revell Books

Emily is a very sweet decision-making mentor and friend. I´m sure she has been close to the hearts of so many, through her voice and books.

Oh! how do I say this: her book is so very timely material for me. 

Today is launch day and I´m thrilled about it!. 

Celebrating with all the crew! I want to host a giveaway for all of you my friends!

Did you see her book and mic cookies! They were so amazing! and the flowers, all her launch book party was a success! 


My favorite part: The eyes when she was listening to her husband were so lovely! :) 

Ok, back to the topic... I was part of the launch team I was able to read it all first hand before it was ready to print, being behind all the process was a huge privilege. I´m so grateful for everything, most of all because of the content I have been enjoying. I read it once and now I´m going for the second one... but going slow, taking notes, listening (because once you pre-order the book, you will be able to listen the audiobook, video lessons, and everything else for free!)

I admit sometimes I struggle with this topic and need to grow about a lot of issues the author describes. Everyone needs to take decisions in life and everyone I know needs to grow in these areas. We need to find a better way. I found very helpful and true Emily's insight in this Book. 

The way she explains very deep and practical issues has made me stop and consider the way I'm living my Life and embrace and thank how I take decisions.  I really like her examples, stories, reflexions and prayers, I´m praying them as if they were my own.

She made me think about the way the people I love, take decisions... By the way...How do you take decisions?...
 with your heart, head, feelings or gut? go find out taking this quiz and let me know!

This is a Book I'll visit often while discerning what to do or even why I'm doing what I do. I pre-ordered a copy and I´m enjoying the free bonuses (I encourage to do so!) 

I needed quiet the noise and listen to someone with wisdom. Everyone needs to take decisions in life and everyone I know struggles with it in some way or another. I found very helpful and true Emily's insight in this Book. The way she explains very deep and practical issues some words have made me stop and consider the way I'm living my life. I know the Bible gives you light in every way and its principal in guiding you about how to live your life. I´m just saying this is a helpful book about discerning what to do or why you´re doing what you do.

I hope every person to get this book, to stop, learn and take decisions more wisely. "To take time for your soul to breath".

It's hard to understand the way we process things in life. While reading I found out Why I don't get other family member's logic. To understand myself and how I tend to use heart, gut or head makes me realize we all are different and to know it was the first step to be patient & understand. I Want to learn some more out impulses, fear, excitement, comfort, the easiest road, avoid pain, for a place and so on. This Book has done something Special in me. I plan to read it again and take my own notes, it is good to liste ton a podcast, but there is something special in books, they smell! :)

It is awesome to see, hear and learn from a real author. The process behind a book will always be incredible for me. I thank God for technology that makes this possible now, to cherish all those moments.

This book was in every single way a lovely, timely and awesome gift for me. Today I celebrate with you Emily her launch day. Every person that has been reading, editing, proofreading, spreading the word, being part of publishing and launching team may agree is a joy to be part of it. 

I´m thankful for all the lessons and investment in our lives. Thank you REvell Books, Emily P. Freeman, Mr. Beard and all the crew!

I really encourage you to buy it Hard cover or Kindle (remember, real books smell)

P.S. Last book I read was Suffering is Never for nothing by Ellisabeth Elliot (will tell you more about it in my next posts). One phrase captured my attention in the book, it was "The next right thing". Now I know she was quoting someone else. Then when I saw Emily´s new title I knew I wanted and needed to read it. I was so thankful to be part of the process Emily shared with us, learned a lot with her and all the team.

Would you like to know what is your decision making personality, take the quiz! (is so much fun, and very accurate)!

It was April 2 but they extended the offer a few more days! Purchase between now and April 5, and enter your purchase info below to receive Emily’s free gifts, including the audiobook, and her new course (instant access)!

Just do #yournextrightthing and visit:

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Book Description:

Create Space for Your Soul To Breathe

When we have a decision to make, what we want more than anything is peace, clarity, and a nudge in the right direction.  
This simple, soulful practice will help you:
  • clear the decision-making chaos
  • quiet the fear of choosing wrong
  • find the courage to finally decide without regret or second-guessing
If you have trouble making decisions because of either chronic hesitation or decision fatigue, Emily P. Freeman offers a fresh way of practicing familiar but often forgotten advice: simply do the next right thing.

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