Holier Than Thou How God’s Holiness Helps Us Trust Him by Jackie Hill Perry - B&H Publishing

Holier Than Thou How God’s Holiness Helps Us Trust Him by Jackie Hill Perry - B&H Publishing


You can read this review in Spanish in this site, where it was also published: Here

Who can we trust?

Have you ever wondered: Who can I trust? I do. Many times. In a world stained by sin, where everything collapses and nothing is forever, where betrayal, deceit, manipulation and idolatry are the order of the day, where bad news fills the tabloids: it is a real relief to remember that There is only one good, holy, trustworthy God who sustains my life. That is what this book is about, the Holy nature of God, above all else, the human, the captivating and the fallible.

Is another book on Holiness necessary?

Does one more content on the holiness of God seem excessive to you? Will some attempt or effort be enough to encompass all that He is? I applaud the collaboration and interest of current authors, such as Jackie, to learn from the scholars of yesteryear, the fathers of the faith, theologians and time-tested writers, so that the current generation can know them as well and benefit from their contents, which perhaps otherwise would not happen. I am glad that the young author takes the challenge to write about such profound themes, such as the holiness of God. This book is different from others of hers. I hope that many will also take the time to read the Word and who you quote, it is worth it.

Is it possible to capture the Holiness of God in a book?

Trying to capture the greatness of God in a book are big words. I consider any person who embarks with his pen and letters to such sublime, infinite and eternal territories as daring. It requires fortitude and humility to know that his words will not cover everything, but still be willing to take the challenge of turning the spotlight on Him, once again, and go through the biblical passages that open our eyes to the essence of His nature, on a journey of holiness revealed in creation, in the fall and in redemption.

What do our beliefs about the holiness of God have to do with our daily lives?

Several premises and reasonings of Jackie Hill Perry revolve around the phrase of AW Tozer "What comes to mind when we think of God is the most important thing in us." She argues that people always act based on what they believe about God, that the foundation of idolatry, the sin that it engenders, and the idols that you choose to put in their place make it necessary to go to the roots of our beliefs, to empty ourselves of everything. and fill ourselves with Him, live grateful and according to His Holiness.

The author draws our attention to how "the soil on which all sin grows is unbelief", and stresses that " the foundation of our idolatry, the sin that begets all other sins, is a specific belief about God." When we understand the holiness of God, compared to people, that affects how we think of Him and determines our behavior and God consequences. That is why it is important to analyze our beliefs in light of the Bible.

About the book and its style.

"The Holy God" is a book is short and digestible. In seven chapters, it deals with various current, useful and practical topics in light of the holiness of God. You will read about moral perfection, transcendence, Idolatry, Holy Justice, Holy Vision and Contemplation that leads us to appreciate the holiness of God. Each chapter helps to understand the nature of God in comparison to ours, offering reasons to trust Him and grow in our relationship and dependence, enjoy His Holy Justice and yearn to live in holiness as well, in the end, to be able to see Him as He is. .

Jackie's style is biblical, interesting, and profound. Amid his short stories and quirky humor, he sows pearls of wisdom. Its sharpness is enjoyed, which feels so sharp in some paragraphs. The translation is very good, to my liking I prefer to read in the author's language, since it seems to me that the musicality and cadence of words is more appreciated. Being an artist of spoken poetry, you will notice that she has a peculiar cadence. The style of the authors may change as the years go by, but the eternal truths, character, faithfulness, and holiness of God are immovable and inscrutable.

Who can benefit from this reading?

I believe that this book can be useful for people of any gender and age, students or teachers, especially for:

-People whose trust and faith have been inconsistent due to various disappointments in their lives, who need to remember that God does not fail and is trustworthy.

-People whose faith has perhaps grown cold and need their wonder for God to awaken.

-People absorbed in various idols that distract and want to destroy.

-People who already love, serve and desire God, and want to make him known to others.

Throughout each page of "The Holy God" you will find the enormous beauty of God compared to any idol. His holiness makes him unique, therefore he is our justice and hope. It is my hope and prayer that this reading will help us to remain absorbed before his incomparable Holiness.

He is Holy, Holy, Holy.

And if you also ask yourself today, I remind you: Yes, we can trust him.

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