What Do I Do with Worry? by Josh Straub; Christi Straub - B&H Publishing Group

What Do I Do with Worry? by Josh Straub; Christi Straub - B&H Publishing Group

get it here https://amzn.to/2Qj3Lo7

It is sad for me to think about all the children who are currently concerned about everything they hear in the media, virtual schools, and even with their own parents. The pandemic has helped everyone's stress and concern levels rise. This little book is a good idea to get closer to a little one and start these conversations, to see how their heart is. Sometimes they do not know how to verbalize their feelings when they are very young, they still do not have words to express with certainty how they feel and you can only detect some strange, unusual behavior. It is good to have resources and opportunities like this, to give them words, vocabulary about their emotions, and to be able to minister to their little heart. These kinds of small picture books are also a good idea to have in counseling offices.

Me resulta triste pensar en todos los niños que están preocupados actualmente por todo lo que escuchan en los medios, esuelas virtuales y hasta con sus propios padres.  La pandemia ha ayudado a que los niveles de stress y preocupación de todos se eleven. Este pequeño libro es una buena idea para acercarte a un pequeño(a) y comenzar estas onversaciones, para ver cómo está su corazón. A veces no saben verbalizar sobre sus sentimientos cuando son muy pequeños, aún no tienen palabras para expresar con certeza cómo se sienten y sólo puedes detectar algún comportamiento extraño, inusual. Es bueno contar con recursos o "pretextos" así, para para darles palabras, vocabulario sobre sus emociones y poder ministrar su pequeño corazón. Este tipo de libros pequeños ilustrados también es una buena idea tener en consultorios de consejeros. 


Do your what-ifs have you worried? New to the neighborhood, little Willow has some big "what-if" worries. What if the kids don't like me? What if my new bedroom is scary? Thankfully, Grandma is ready with a plate of cookies and some wise words about how Willow can name her "worry birds" and give them to God. Authors Dr. Josh and Christi Straub know that today's children have a lot of real "what-ifs"--about diseases and disasters, friendships and failures, and all-things-growing-up. Willow's story offers practical lessons to help worry birds fly away.
Also available: What Am I Feeling?



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