The Ministry of Ordinary Places Waking Up to God's Goodness Around You by Shannan Martin - Nelson Books

The Ministry of Ordinary Places Waking Up to God's Goodness Around You by Shannan Martin - Nelson Books

pub date 9 oct 2018 #TheMinistryOfOrdinaryPlaces
you can get it here:

This is the kind of book that helps you realize life is short and you must be thankful for every day you have. It is difficult to be there for someone, it is difficult to get involved, it is going to take value and courage, and intentionality, but it will be worth it. The way Shannan shares about this topic makes you want to be more involved right where you are. So many lovely quotes to highlight.

some lovely quotes:

"What on earth can we do to make this sad and beautiful world a little softer for everyone?"

"Beginning to live as though there's no such thing as other people's children might be our most critical, significant contribution to the flourishing of our own world."

"As Christ-followers, we are called to be long-haul neighbors committed to authenticity and willing to take some risks. Our vocation is to invest deeply in the lives of those around us, devoted to one another, physically close to each other as we breathe the same air and walk the same blocks. Our purpose is not so mysterious after all. We get to love and be deeply loved right where we’re planted, by whomever happens to be near. We will inevitably encounter brokenness we cannot fix, solve, or understand, and we’ll feel as small, uncertain, and outpaced as we have ever felt. But we’ll find our very lives in this calling, to be among people as Jesus was, and it will change everything."

"We might have a zillion reasons to be jaded about our world, but that is not the kind of person I want to be. I want to be someone who clings to the grace and the gift and the good. Rather than spend my days scanning the digital horizon for a dopamine hit of false comfort, I want to keep my ear tuned to the groanings of my place. I want to stand ready, as Christ’s ambassador in my neighborhood, wearing grace, flesh, and skinny jeans. I want to belong, just as I am, and I want to get better at loving people for every good and puzzling thing they are."

Sometimes we get so hung up on doing something great, we forget the best thing is often the smallest"

It's time for us to wear the humility of Jesus like secondhand coat, ready to hear from people further along this road. We've tot stop insisting on our own way and believing we now best"

"If we can't connect with each other, we will connect with anything we can find -- The whirr a roulette wheel or the prick of a syringe," Hari Wrote. So the opposite of addiction is not sobriety. It is Human Connection," Hari Concluded."

"This mission humbly asks that we devote ourselves to the overlooked spiritual practice of paying attention to wherever God has placed us. That's where we begin, and, though it's not terribly complicated, it will ask more of us than we ever imagined"

"To love your neighbor is never safe. But it is always good," said Pastor Gabriel Salgueros"

"The trickiest thing about writing about hospitality is that it requires using the word hospitality. I cringe. Heaven only knows why our desire to spend meaningful time with others is saddled with such a churchy, pearls-and-an-apron sounding word, conjuring up vivid Sunday school images of Mary and Martha. Even though I know Jesus preferred Mary's MO, I always felt like Martha was secretly the real winner of the contest. The fact that I still see it as a competition only further illustrates my need for this lesson in the first place"

"We're no longer satisfied with a solution that only serves us and those like us"

"It only asks that we view our immediate world with fresh eyes to see how we might plant love with intention and grit".

“In a world where hope seems dim and solutions feel complicated and partisan, Shannan Martin offers us a starting point that is as radical as it is domestic: widen your circle, hush your mouth, and pay close attention. This book is the right book for this moment in time and I simply cannot get over it. I either laughed or cried on almost every page. We need these lyrical, prophetic words now more than ever before.” —Emily P. Freeman, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Simply Tuesday

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