Christian Higher Education Faith, Teaching, and Learning in the Evangelical Tradition by David S. Dockery and Christopher W. Morgan, eds. - Crossway

pub date 30 nov 2018
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If you are very into education, you will find this book super interesting. I really like these topics, when you mix science, Christianity, education, and how the culture evolves and changes you can have great discussion topics. In this book, you will find the voice of almost thirty experts talking about their views on this topic. I recommend this book not just to educators, pastors, teachers, and homeschool parents, but to anyone who cares about education in their own lives and their country. Most important universities were founded on the ground of faith and now secularism is changing that. Education is changing and the view of universities too. Who defines great education? read and you will find out.


A Note From the Publisher

Advance Praise

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