The Ultimate Bible Knowledge Challenge A Collection of Bible History, Trivia, and Fun Facts by Stan Toler - Harvest House Publishers

The Ultimate Bible Knowledge Challenge A Collection of Bible History, Trivia, and Fun Facts by Stan Toler - Harvest House Publishers

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This book is useful if you want to have some ideas handy for trivia with your family, your small group or discipleship meetings. I remember when I was younger, youth leaders were very into providing different ways for us to get knowledge. I hope most groups go back to seed truth in other minds, not just pizza parties, and trying to be cool. It is also helpful to have topic related facts in one place. For example, we had a nutrition related meeting for women at church and you can find food-related miracles in the bible. In a marriage retreat also was helpful because you can see in a glimpse 12 important married couples of the Bible. If you are such a nerd you will enjoy all the facts inside this book. 



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