Te cuento: Este verano, en nuestro grupo de mujeres local, íba a compartir un estudio bíblico. Por razones pandémicas ya conocidas, se tuvo que cancelar. Sin embargo, Dios me tenía una gran sorpresa ¡ser parte del estudio de este libro que ¡se estrena mañana!: "Comparison Girl", de la autora Shannon Popkin (admiraba ya su trabajo por su libro anterior "Control Girl", también disponible ya en español como "No seas una mujer controladora", que les he recomendado ya bastante).
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Aunque me gusta mucho leer, es raro cuando un libro que para nada tenía en mis planes leer, me deje sorpresas así. Aún tengo varias cosas por digerir. No puedo esperar para tenerlo en español y poder llevarlo con un grupo de amigas. Si bien puedes leerlo sola y sacarle mucho provecho, te recomiendo la riqueza de estudiar en equipo, ya que su diseño lo hace excelente para platicas profundas, divertidas (por las historias tan graciosas que incluye la autora), preguntas y respuestas, obteniendo mucho provecho de las experiencias de las participantes.
Comparison Girls... We are not done yet, but I think I already miss you all!
-I´m thankful Shannon, for your investment in my life, and also thankful with the amazing team, I really want to live my life upside down, focusing on the spout, not the lines-
You're invited to the book launch party tomorrow! I hope you take the time to attend!, It is going to be great! Several guest authors will attend and yes!, there will also be prizes!
Let me tell you: This summer, in our local women's group, I was going to share a Bible study. For very known pandemic reasons, it had to be canceled. However, God had a great surprise for me, I was part of the study of this book that is launched tomorrow !: "Comparison Girl", by the author Shannon Popkin (I already admired her work for her previous book "Control Girl", also available already in Spanish as "No seas una mujer controladora", which I have already recommended you enough).
I am thrilled that I had the privilege of being the first one to read the new book worldwide before its official birth tomorrow! yei! That doesn't happen every day (obviously, after the official editors). I confess that before reading it, I would not have believed I had a "serious comparison problem", but since I could not resist the opportunity to accept the invitation and get to know your new material in advance ... as I slipped through its pages, ouch .. I saw myself so reflected, exposed, confronted. Her lessons and stories had a great impact on me, for good (sighs).
Like a lovely cherry on the top of my cake, extremely enjoyable, it was learning of Shannon in action, appreciating her warm treatment, so humble, kind, always smiling ... so wise. The author, coaches and participants prepared a great team, with a lot of openness, vulnerability and camaraderie, a very memorable group. Between reading homework/preaying, tears, and laughter / laughter during each night of study, over the past few weeks, it has been a treasured experience for my memories during the Covid-19 pandemic. I really like teaching, but also being a student, I need many continuous trips to writing to understand so many things. I´m so young. After some unpleasant experiences in the past, I did not know how healing it would be to be in an intimate, welcoming, small and intentional community like this and with a luxury teacher, who lives serving others and continues with her feet on earth.
Although I really like to read, it is rare when a book that I had nothing to do with reading, leaves me with surprises like this. I still have several things to digest. I can't wait to have it in Spanish and be able to take it with a group of friends. Although you can read it by yourself and get a lot out of it, I recommend the wealth of studying in a team, since its design makes it excellent for deep, fun talks (because of the funny stories that the author includes), questions and answers, getting a lot of benefit from the experiences of the participants.
---------------------About the book:"Women compare constantly--on social media, in their neighborhood, at church, even in the school drop-off lane. They glance sideways and ask themselves, "How do I measure up?" All this assessment feels like a natural way of finding a place in the world. But it pulls them into feelings of inferiority or superiority, guiding them into a trap of antagonism by the enemy.
Satan would like women to strive to measure up, constantly adding to a tally sheet that can't ever be balanced. The way of Jesus is completely upside down from that philosophy. Instead, he says the last shall be first--and the greatest are those who empty themselves, lay down their lives, and serve each other.