A Sky Full of Stars Learning to Surrender to God's Perfect Plans by Meg Apperson Narrated by Emily Ellet - RB Media

A Sky Full of Stars Learning to Surrender to God's Perfect Plans by Meg Apperson Narrated by Emily Ellet - RB Media

pub date 6 oct 2020
you can get it here: https://amzn.to/2SI7l9i


I loved the title of this book, and I really enjoyed A LOT the voice of Emily Ellet, she did a great job encapsulating the feelings and emotions in this book, great narrator. This is a real story and it is full of unexpected news for a mom. Is the story of her delivery and choices with doctors. 
Exasperation, disbelief, expectations crushed, you will get all her feels. I think this book could be a great gift for moms who deal with unexpected issues with the life of their children. It may be a little bit annoying if you don´t like to read about medical conditions, the author shares in-depth what they were going through. Expect 5 hours 37 minutes of pain, hardship, and a mom who tries to endure news after news of trials. Expect to be amazed by her sincerity, endurance and faith. All the time you will remember this: you can not do anything to sustain someone´s life or health, you are not in control... and to know that is to rest and know who really holds life together, yours and your family´s too


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