Love Does for Kids by Bob Goff and Lindsey Goff Viducich - Thomas Nelson

Love Does for Kids by Bob Goff; Lindsey Goff Viducich Thomas Nelson

This book is a delight for my girl. Since we got it she is so excited about it, and it is not just because it has awesome illustrations, but because she found it so funny. I appreciate a lot when she likes a book and can not put it down. She has been laughing out loud while she turns the pages. The ideas the author express there she wants to try them all. I think that is so sweet. She wants the start night and the forget about manners night. I don´t want to give you spoilers, but really, this book is great.

I´m grateful about books that my girl takes and finishes in hours, that means she really enjoyed and she couldn´t put that down. The author made her laugh a lot, she felt related to many histories. She said the author is so cool and she would love to meet him, and his daughter. She is also planning to have some plans their family had (no manners night, made her laugh a lot! and she wants that as well... amhhh not so grateful about that one haha, the other favorite was star night). The way they write is whimsical and enjoyable, what a dream come true to write a book with your own daughter (sight). My girl is 8 and she says she wants to keep the book for her own children (how sweet is that?). I´m happy she had a great time reading it! 

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