The Storm-Tossed Family. How the Cross Reshapes the Home by Russell D. Moore - B&H Publishing Group

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Let´s be honest. Family is so hard. Russells writes: "Family is awesome. Family is terrible. Family is spiritual warfare" oh yes it is, I totally agree. I have a lot of respect for Russell D. Moore, I like to listen to his conferences, and the objective, deep, and intelligent perspective he has on cultural, political and social issues. That is why I wanted to read this book. Don´t expect an ABC list with steps to implement in your family. I like Moore talks about issues we all face and then talks about the gospel and makes a connection. What I embrace about the book is that it reminds me Family is tied to the cross, we need the gospel to live family as God wants. Read this wisdom gem: "We will find joy and peace and wholeness in our marriages when we stop expecting marriage to meet all our needs" oh... so true... "Family is not the gospel. If you think that family is the source of ultimate meaning in your life, then you will expect your family to make you happy, to live up to your expectations". It took me so long to read and review this book. It actually won some prizes because it is so good. If you love material about family, this book is for you.


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