Write Better A Lifelong Editor on Craft, Art, and Spirituality by Andrew T. Le Peau - InterVarsity Press InterVarsity Press

Write Better A Lifelong Editor on Craft, Art, and Spirituality by Andrew T. Le Peau -  InterVarsity Press InterVarsity Press 

you can pre order it here: https://amzn.to/2IhNNae
pub date: 8 oct 2019

I really liked this cover because it shows how writing is... a series of errors, defects, and things to correct or send to the trash can. I really like to read books about writing, I just can´t stop. I think writing is an art and when you mix it with truth awesome things can happen. This book is helpful if you read, edit, translate or write. I think it is useful for anyone because everyone writes, texts, blogs, messages. It was very interesting to me that the author always writes fiction and this was his first nonfiction writing, what a challenge. 


Advance Praise

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