Growing Together: Taking Mentoring beyond Small Talk and Prayer Requests By Melissa B. Kruger - Crossway

Growing Together: Taking Mentoring beyond Small Talk and Prayer Requests By Melissa B. Kruger - Crossway

Tenía demasiadas expectativas de este libro. Puedo decir que es útil para discipular desde cero a una mujer. De preferencia si apenas es creyente. Si tiene muchos años de creyente... Digamos que sirve para repasar conceptos pero no sé si resulte redundante o incómodo tratar temas tan básicos otra vez. Pensaba que sería más que nada un libro lleno de preguntas para iniciar temas o acercar la relación y hacerla crecer de alguien que ya está en Cristo y debe madurar para a su vez discipular a otras. No crítico el libro como malo, es bueno y organizado, es sólo que no es lo que necesitaba o tenía en mente para usar con mujeres que ya conocen a Cristo y aún así necesitan o piden mentoría. Disfruté leerlo ya que son temas de mi interés. Hubo algunas cosas que me recordaron a mi abuela y que esta autora no comparte... por ejemplo el versículo de "Por tanto, sed vosotros perfectos como vuestro Padre celestial es perfecto. Mateo 5:48" la autora dice que no es necesario ser perfecto y hace mucho énfasis en exponer las debilidades. Creo comprender su punto, pero la manera en que lo expresó... creo que se presta para malas interpretaciones. Sugiero, si te interesa este tema... revisar Adornadas de Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth y los libros de Susan Hunt. Seguiré esperando un título sobre este tema quizá, o seguiré con entrevistas a mujeres piadosas, mejor...

I had too many expectations of this book. I can say that it is useful to disciple a woman from zero. Preferably if she is a new believer. If you have been a believer for many years ... Let's say it serves to review concepts, but I do not know if it is redundant or uncomfortable to address such basic topics again.

I thought that it would be more than anything a book full of questions to initiate topics or bring the relationship closer and make it grow from someone who is already in Christ and must mature in order to disciple others.

I do not criticize the book as totally bad, it is organized, it is just that it is not what I needed or had in mind to use with women who already know Christ and still need or ask for mentoring. I enjoyed reading it as they are topics of interest to me. I would consider addressing those topics with someone.

There were some things that reminded me of my grandmother and that this author does not share ... for example the verse of "Therefore, be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48" the author says that it is not necessary to be perfect and places a lot of emphasis on exposing weaknesses. I think I understand her point, but the way she put it ... I think it lends itself to misinterpretation. Quote: "Perfection is impossible. Howerver, we can be women who seek to love God in all we think, say an do. That´s what your mentee needs most: a woman who earnestly desires to know God and glorify him with her life" ... "Perfection isn´t the goal. Instead, try to develop healthy patterns of bible reading". I suggest if you are interested in this topic ... check Adorned by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Susan Hunt's books. I will keep waiting for a title on this topic perhaps, or I will continue with interviews with devoted women.

About the book:

Women in all seasons of life can feel alone, longing for encouragement, guidance, and wisdom from someone who has been there before. They would value the wealth of knowledge and wisdom from older women’s experiences, but often these women don’t feel equipped to offer help. This book is a starting place, meant to be a springboard for mentoring discussions between older and younger women, setting the biblical basis for mentoring from Titus 2 before outlining 11 lessons that guide their time together. Each lesson focuses on a topic such as God’s word, prayer, contentment, temptation, and church, with activities for before, during, and after the mentoring session. Younger and older women will grow together as they use these lessons to walk through life together.

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