Sanctification: God's Passion for His People By John MacArthur - Crossway

I thought my husband would enjoy this book. I also like to read these topics.

This author is controversial lately and although many of his decisions or comments we do not share, if you read his material you will see that there is truth and useful things in his content

This issue is complex, it is because we are sinners and we are in the process of sanctification.

It is difficult because it will take us a lifetime and because as I advance through the pages I can see how I still have a long way to go, but it is simple because I know that the same grace that bought me and the faithful provision of the Lord will sustain me and lead me to the final.

I think of the shepherds and the responsibility they have before God for the lives that have been entrusted to them and it gives me chills ... then I think of the mothers and fathers who have a small flock at home and it also gives me the creeps.

Our goal is not to raise children who look "decent", but to be sanctified and transformed into the image of Christ, we cannot achieve that by ourselves, but that is not why we are going to stop praying and sowing, being diligent in their instruction and what we have to do in the upbringing and formation of their little hearts. God have mercy on us and finish the work you started, for your glory and our good.

A phrase grace: "Grace cannot be taken as a mat to clean our shoes from sin, but reigns as a monarch over us." I am grateful for the tender care of the King who rules overall. Without holiness no one will see the Lord, it sounds strong, but it is Word. May the Lord find us praying and watching at all times, praying that we will have the strength to escape all these things that are about to happen, and we can stand before the Son of Man (as it says in Luke 21:36).

IMPORTANT: Many are bothered that I read other books that are not the Bible, even so I will continue reading, the Bible and other books as well. Like everything, I do not believe that a human being possesses all the wisdom, nor that he is the owner of the truth, His Word is true. Scrutinize everything, examine it, keep the good, discard the bad.

If you are interested in reading this book, here is the link:


Este libro pensé que lo disfrutaría mi esposo. Pero como siempre a mi también me gusta leer estos temas. 

Este autor últimamente es controversial y aunque muchas de sus decisiones o comentarios no compartas, si lo lees verás que hay verdad y cosas útiles en sus materiales. 

Este tema es complejo, lo es porque somos pecadores y estamos en el proceso de santificación. 

Es difícil porque nos tomará toda la vida y porque al avanzar en las páginas puedo ver cómo me falta camino por recorrer, es sencillo porque sé que la misma gracia que me compró y la provisión fiel del Señor me sostendrá y llevará de la mano hasta el final. 

Pienso en los pastores y la responsabilidad que tienen ante Dios por las vidas que les han sido confiadas y me da escalofrío... después pienso en las mamás y papás que tienen un pequeño rebaño en casa y también me da escalofrío. 

Nuestra meta no es criar hijos que luzcan decentes, sino que sean santificados y transformados a la imagen de Cristo, eso no lo podemos lograr por nosotras mismas, pero no por eso vamos a dejar de orar y sembrar, de ser diligentes en su instrucción y lo que nos toca en la crianza y formación de sus pequeños corazones. Dios tenga misericordia de nosotros y termine la obra que comenzó, para su gloria y nuestro bien. 

Una frase la gracia: "La gracia no puede ser tomada como un tapete para limpiar nuestros zapatos del pecado, sino que reina como un monarca sobre nosotros". Estoy agradecida por el tierno cuidado del Rey que gobierna sobre todo. Sin santidad nadie verá al Señor, suena fuerte, pero es Palabra. El Señor nos encuentre orando y velando en todo tiempo, orando para que tengams fuerza para escapar de todas estas cosas que están por suceder, y podamos estar en pie delante del Hijo del Hombre (como dice en Lucas 21:36).

IMPORTANTE: A muchos les molesta que lea otros libros que no son la Biblia, aún así seguiré leyendo, la Biblia y otros libros también. Como todo, no creo que un ser humano posea toda la sabiduría, ni que sea el dueño de la verdad, Su Palabra es verdad. Escudriña todo, examinalo, quédate con lo bueno, desecha lo malo. 

Si te interesa leer este libro aquí te dejo el enlace:

Sanctification: God's Passion for His People

About the book:
"Sanctification is a powerful tract for our times—a purposefully short book. You can read it in an hour or two, but its goal is the transformation of the rest of your life."
—Sinclair B. Ferguson, Chancellor's Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries
Among all the things that a pastor will do on any given day, he must not lose sight of his one ultimate goal: the sanctification of God’s people. This is the heart of God’s purpose for Christians.
John MacArthur calls pastors to remember what all the countless hours preparing sermons, visiting hospitals, counseling, conducting weddings, and more are all about, even when the finish line seems so far in the distance that they’re tempted to give up. He encourages pastors with the power God gives them to place the sanctification of God’s people at the center of their ministry.

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