The Powerful Purpose of Introverts Why the World Needs You to Be You by Holley Gerth - Revell

The Powerful Purpose of Introverts Why the World Needs You to Be You by Holley Gerth - Revell

Pub date 15 sep 2020
You can pre-order it here:

I like to read what Holley Gerth writes, it is not my first book by her. I find her style very fresh and sincere. I like her as a person and writer, I´d like to have a friend like her around (I feel like she is when I read her). Feel like I know her, and I really like that she embraces who she is, even when she doesn´t have the common or popular famous people personality, that is what attracted to me to this title (also all the people I love who are introverts). I consider myself 50% each so I feel related too. In this book, I found a way to love even better the introverts around me and appreciate their qualities also to enjoy and accept myself in the areas I´m one. I liked the test the author provided in the book/author site, probably is a good idea if you go and get to know your % of introversion. 

I like the emphasis she makes explaining the fact that introversion "isn´t about how much someone likes people or enjoy socializing, but it is wired into the brain and nervous system" (I dislike when people says that you are the way you are just because you were raised differently or because your social interactions were a lot or just a few, it is a different design from the womb). 

I liked the chapter on HSP Highly Sensitive People, if you are sensitive and observe/feel everything around you, you will resonate with this content, you will feel seen and understood. God made everyone different for a reason. 

This book is going to make you value who you and others are and respect them, their own limits, and peculiarities. Diversity has richness.

"It never occurred to me that it takes mental maturity to honor our limits. True strength isn’t gritting our teeth and ignoring our done point and pain. Instead, it’s saying, “That’s all I can do for now. It’s enough. I’m enough.” Never apologize for your sensitivity— no matter what area it’s in for you. It’s not a weakness. It’s not a fault. It’s not something to change. It’s a powerful way God made you."    (I´d like to add that some people will  never like or understand forget about love some aspects of you), they will always be trying to change you or won't be able to respect your limits, and it is ok to expect that... people are different and won´t love or accept every kind of personality). 

While reading this book I wanted to read Sacred Pathways by Gary Thomas... she quotes him and shares about 9 spiritual pathways, I found that interesting, I´ll get it. 

The book club questions at the end I believe are so fun to go through and get to know each other's minds.

I really like her little note to extroverts, I think it is so sweet to know she wants to notice everyone and not to divide. 

What a priviledge to be able to read this material before it is available to everyone, I´m sure you want to preorder now. 

Please let me know your % (it is ok if you do it in private, I understand introverts preffer that). 



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