Fix it With Focus by Bryan Smith, Illustrator: Lisa M. Griffin - Boys Town Press


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pub date: 25 ago 2020


"Mom What happens to me?! I just can concentrate, it is so hard for me to focus... my mind just likes to travel
" My 10yo told me... kind of having fun and kind of being desperate because the pile of homework was overflowing. I have a little artist who needs also to focus.

I thought this book would be a good idea so she wouldn´t feel like she is the only person with that problem (in our house, the rest of us are very good about focusing and being silent working...). The little book has a very useful acrostic that helps children to have in mind what steps they may take to concentrate. The illustrations are cute. It may be fun for a boy or a girl, not only boys deal with that)

F igure our what your job is

O utline the steps

C oncentrate on your job until it´s complete

U se your focus tools

S top only when the job is finished

We learned about the work/brain break cycle.

The author uses the acrostic and fun little anecdotes the boy has to teach these tools to children. At the end of the short book he writes some more ideas for parents and educators if they have children around who need to fix it with focus. This book has not religious references.

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