Turning of Days: Lessons from Nature, Season, and Spirit by Hannah Anderson - Moody Publishers

Turning of Days: Lessons from Nature, Season, and Spirit by Hannah Anderson - Moody Publishers

get it on kindle here https://amzn.to/2MJqMiD
get the printed one here: https://amzn.to/3jqJozZ

If you want to reflect, enjoy, feel peace and thankfulness, go get this book. I think it is the perfect gift for a family member or a friend who is struggling a lot with overwork or anxiety because even when those are not the main topics of the book, those people really need to think about seasons of life and enjoy art and nature. I´m thankful I enjoyed these pages in this very weird time in pandemic life.

If you have read Hannah Anderson before and enjoyed her content as much as I do (I have all her books), you will enjoy this brand new book. It is kind of different from the others but she keeps her style on every page. It was interesting and unexpected to me to have illustrations inside (her husband draw them!). 

She has such a gift with words, I love her written art.

I enjoyed lots of quotes, they spoke to me, here I share just two:
"As much as harvest teaches you to make peace with the unpredictable, it also teaches you to make peace with others and live in mutuality. All so the sower and reaper can rejoice together". 

"The only way to be at peace in this world, then, is to become people inclined toward life. The only way to be at peace with a God of life is to plan for life and expect it to breakthrough. Against all odds, we must bet on life". 

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