Competing Spectacles Treasuring Christ in the Media Age by Tony Reinke - Crossway

Competing Spectacles Treasuring Christ in the Media Age by Tony Reinke Crossway

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Pub Date 30 Apr 2019

 Books about technology, social media, our brains but most of all our spiritual lives impact me, I enjoy this kind of material very much because I like every kind of spectacle and I admit I need to focus on the important things, not just the shiny ones. This book helped me realize this is going to be a battle of every day not just for me, but for my children and their own children. Generations are changing, but our deceitful little hearts don't, devices improve, so our minds and hearts need to be ready to find nutritious food and not just candy. I recommend this book to anyone who lives in this era, anyone who wants to keep their eyes on Jesus and grow in this aspect of life.

#CompetingSpectacles #NetGalley


We live in a world full of shiny distractions, faced with an onslaught of viral media constantly competing for our attention and demanding our affections. These ever-present visual “spectacles” can quickly erode our hearts, making it more difficult than ever to walk through life actively treasuring that which is most important and yet invisible: Jesus Christ. In a journalistic style, Tony Reinke shows us just how distracting these spectacles in our lives have become and calls us to ask critical questions about what we’re focusing on. The book offers us practical steps to redirect our gaze away from the addictive eye candy of the world and onto the Ultimate Spectacle—leading to the joy and rest our souls crave.

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