The John MacArthur Handbook of Effective Biblical Leadership by John MacArthur - Harvest House Publishers

The John MacArthur Handbook of Effective Biblical Leadership by John MacArthur - Harvest House Publishers

Pub Date 02 Apr 2019

Every book on leadership by a leader who has stayed for a long way I think is worthy of being read. While I don´t enjoy some things about MacArthur I have to admit that a lot of his writing is enjoyable and has wisdom in it. I think we must separate our personal leadership preferences to keep learning from others. Above reproach sounds very very high, but it is what the bible says. I think leaders may benefit from this reading, and also people who are not leaders but they like this kind of topic. 

#TheJohnMacArthurHandbookOfEffectiveBiblicalLeadership #NetGalley


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