Hurting Yet Whole Reconciling Body and Spirit in Chronic Pain and Illness by Liuan Huska - InterVarsity Press
You can get it here:
pub date 8 dec 2020
I have read many books on suffering, many. One thing I find amazing is that even when they have a lot of things and topics in common, not one story is the same as the other. I appreciate a lot how the author expresses her own struggles, disappointment, and how they express their faith even in the middle of the darkness. I´m always inspired and encouraged by this kind of book. Thankful for the vulnerability shared here.
Hurting Yet Whole Reconciling Body and Spirit in Chronic Pain and Illness by Liuan Huska - InterVarsity Press
Aunque pese, aunque duela...
Aunque pese, aunque duela...
Traduzco/parafraseo el letrero de la imagen en la foto, dice: "Que una persona sepa o pueda cargar mucho peso y lo haga bien, no quiere decir que no le pese o no le duela".
Bon Appetit
Veo “la nube” como una gran mesa servida, donde hay muchas cosas preparadas, cada internauta está sentado alrededor de ella. Cada uno puede acercarse y tomar lo que apetezca, todo el contenido está ahí, disponible, visible, ya preparado, listo para consumir. También, cada quien puede llevar y ofrecer, cual gran fiesta “de''traje” o''cooperación, de lo que tiene o quiere compartir a los demás. Observa, fíjate muy bien antes de que decidas qué llevar a tu boca, a tu mente, a tu corazón, a tu sistema.
Cada vez veo más y más cosas valiosas en este gran buffet, unas muy llamativas (pero nada valiosas), otras discretas pero profundas, otras parecieran pequeñas pero son grandes en su propósito, contenido y nutrientes. Sí, lo sé, hay comida aceptable y demasiada comida chatarra. Hay tantos postres que te quitan el aliento y mucha basura que parece comida... pero que no debes probar pues es veneno, y muchas otras cosas causan adicción.
Está todo ahí, frente a nosotros, a distancia de un click. Hay momento adecuado para todo lo valioso, y cantidades adecuadas también. Hay cosas que no son para quedarte para ti mismo, sino para también compartir con quien las necesita. Hay un tiempo para comer hasta saciarse y un tiempo de abstenerse, un tiempo de ayuno, de desintoxicación. A veces tomas un poco, lo saboreas, digieres y muchas otras ¡mejor ni verlo, tocarlo o compartirlo!, mejor dejarlo pasar si no es para ti o no aporta ningún valor a los demás.
Estoy tan agradecida por tanta riqueza y bocadillos lo que he tomado de esta gran mesa, por lo tanto que ha aportado a mi vida. También estoy consiente de los atracones de tiempo perdido que se ha ido a un hoyo negro mientras he pasado incontables horas sin propósito aquí, sentada sin nutrirme. En internet todo este alimento o basura está a un click de distancia. Es una gran mesa, llena de opciones, de oportunidades. Ojalá que podamos tomar decisiones sabias sobre que ver, qué tomar, qué servirnos, que ignorar, de quienes aprender y a quienes dejar de seguir.
Espero también que podamos compartir mucho más lo que vale la pena y dejar de hacerle ruido y publicidad a lo que está podrido, a lo egoísta, vano y superficial, a lo dañino que debería dejarse de producir, viralizar y consumir. Deseo que el plato de cada uno esté lleno de puras cosas buenas, así como lo que cada uno comparta con los demás. Que podamos apuntar al verdadero alimento, al nutritivo, al eterno y a Su creador, menos de nosotros mismos y más de Él.
“Señor, ¿a quién iremos? Tú tienes palabras de vida eterna”.
Buen provecho para todos.
The Teen's Guide to Face-to-Face Connections in a Screen-to-Screen World 40 Tips to Meaningful Communication by Jonathan McKee; Alyssa McKee - Barbour Publishing, Inc.

you can get it here:
pub date 1 nov 2020
This is a short and simple book with a very important message. I recommend this kind of book to parents whose children are not very into reading, the ideas are surrounded by a lot of examples and personal stories and everything is simplified so anyone will understand it. Do not expect very scientific facts or very deep thoughts explained, but it will be an excellent tool if you are seeking help to start sharing ideas about the effects of screens in your teen life this can be helpful for you. If you have read a lot about this topic, you won't find a lot of new information, but I can say I enjoyed a lot the idea of a dad and daughter writing together for a good purpose. I´m always telling my children that once it is on the cloud you can´t delete it... this topic is included. I really like the topic of dealing with conflict in person, not texts, videos, or chats, to give the importance the relationship deserves. You can give it as a present, useful tips.
You CAN dare to be relationally different in a screen-to-screen culture.
But. . .honestly, I like my phone.
So what should I do?
You probably enjoy screens but don’t want them hurting your relationships with the people who matter most, right? What if you could improve your face-to-face relationships, develop deeper connections, resolve conflict, and confidently communicate with friends, parents, teachers, roommates, coworkers, potential employers…even the barista at your local coffee shop?
What if you paused to think before you posted, avoiding some of the hurt and consequences that almost always lead to regret after?
What if you became a master of your own screen-time instead of letting it master you?
What if you became more screen-wise?
40 real-life realizations including. . .
* Your phone doesn’t have an UNSEND button.
*Texting is a dumb way to manage conflict.
* We all need a digital detox every once in a while.
* Sometimes less is more.
* Sometimes the people we love the most are the people we ignored all day.
Author and youth culture expert, Jonathan McKee, and his daughter Alyssa McKee, uncover forty random realizations they’ve discovered over the last five years. Screens provide fun platforms to connect with faraway friends; and sometimes the people we love the most are the people we ignore all day. Jonathan and Alyssa help young adults navigate face-to-face communication in a screen-to-screen world too! Maybe they’ll help you navigate face-to-face communication in a screen-to-screen world too!Sudadera:
Charitable Writing Cultivating Virtue Through Our Words by Richard Hughes Gibson; James Edward Beitler III InterVarsity Press IVP Academic

"God has endowed us with profound capacities to learn, to ponder, to hypothesize, to reason, to understand. These powers apply to a range of fields and areas of inquiry—not least the knowledge of God himself! To recognize this is to realize that delighting in our thinking, delighting in our nimble intellects, may be a godly pursuit. To cultivate humility in regard to our ideas does not, in G. K. Chesterton’s words, require that we become “too mentally modest to believe in the multiplication table.”15 Rather, such humility liberates us. As Dow observes, “Because intellectually humble people value truth over their egos need to be right, they are freed up to admit the limits of their own knowledge. This freedom naturally produces a teachable spirit and the habit of humble inquiry that are at the heart of sustained personal"
pub date 15-dec-2020
25 Days of the Christmas Story An Advent Family Experience by Josh Straub, Christi Straub - B&H Publishing Group, B&H Books, Holman Bibles, B&H Español, and B&H Kids
25 Days of the Christmas Story An Advent Family Experience by Josh Straub, Christi Straub - B&H Publishing Group, B&H Books, Holman Bibles, B&H Español, and B&H Kids
This December, spend a few moments of each day leading up to Christmas helping your family focus on the true joys and meaning of Advent with 25 Days of the Christmas Story: An Advent Family Experience. This is a devotional perfect for families of all shapes, sizes, and schedules. Each of the 25 days highlights a different person, place, or object from the Christmas story—from the prophet Isaiah to Baby Jesus, from the Christmas star to the gift of frankincense. All devotions include an easy-to-read story, character trait, activity, and more—each designed to reinforce the main theme of the day.
Your family can choose simply to read each day’s story or to go deeper and engage with each day’s features. Either way, parents and children are sure to learn and celebrate the season of Advent together while having fun in the process!
A true heirloom in the making, the book includes pages in the back where parents and kids can record memories of each day’s activities and write journal entries to look back on year after year, Christmas after Christmas.
Your family can choose simply to read each day’s story or to go deeper and engage with each day’s features. Either way, parents and children are sure to learn and celebrate the season of Advent together while having fun in the process!
A true heirloom in the making, the book includes pages in the back where parents and kids can record memories of each day’s activities and write journal entries to look back on year after year, Christmas after Christmas.
Walking Through Fire A Memoir of Loss and Redemption by Vaneetha Rendall Risner - Nelson Books
Walking Through Fire A Memoir of Loss and Redemption by Vaneetha Rendall Risner - Nelson Books

pub date 19 jan 2021
I encourage you to pre-order it here:
What a life. If you are suffering from any kind of illness, pain, or loss, the best I can do for you is to encourage you to meet other Christian people who suffer, but the ones who suffer well, with faith, founded on the Rock, Christ, and His Word. Otherwise, you may pass out and you will want to quit, thinking that you are "the only person in the world" who has so many "problems" or pain. Vaneetha has been a lovely example for me from through the distance and even when she doesn´t know me I feel that I love her. Since her book "The scars that have shaped me" I have felt her as a friend living in another country so far away, and I´m the one who prays for her through the distance. This book is a bit different because it is like an autobiography, you will find more details of how it got to where it stands today. Personally, I enjoyed "The scars that have shaped me" a lot and this one helped me to understand how that process and what lead her to where she is today. I am grateful to God for Vaneetha's life and everything she shares encourages me to think that her existence has an eternal and glorious purpose, even in the lives of people like me, whom she will never meet, and she has encouraged and shared hope in the middle of chaos. Her pain has a purpose, at least for me, and her fidelity in the midst of tears, valleys, and loneliness too. I would love to meet her one day and give her a very strong hug, and simply say: thank you, for being with me in my room, in bed, in the midst of my own tears, illness, heartbreak, and pain. Thanks for writing, for being there. Allowing God to break you will bear fruit. This book is a gift for people who love Christ and want to remain faithful even though everything seems to collapse around them. Consider getting this book even if you are not walking through fire right now, because someday the most certain thing is that you will. I hope they will translate it into Spanish soon, one of my dreams is to help translate some of the books that I review in English first and that I like, inspire or encourage.
Here I share with you some quotes and small paragraphs so you can feel the tone and passion of the book:
“But is there anything happy?” they ask. “Did you ever laugh with all the tears?” And then, quietly, “Has your life been good?” My eyes sparkle as I grin, my joy evident. “Come and see.”
The astonishing, Job-like story of how an existence filled with loss, suffering, questioning, and anger became a life filled with shocking and incomprehensible peace and joy.
Vaneetha Risner contracted polio as an infant, was misdiagnosed, and lived with widespread paralysis. She lived in and out of the hospital for ten years and, after each stay, would return to a life filled with bullying. When she became a Christian, though, she thought things would get easier, and they did: carefree college days, a dream job in Boston, and an MBA from Stanford where she met and married a classmate.
But life unraveled. Again. She had four miscarriages. Her son died because of a doctor's mistake. And Vaneetha was diagnosed with post-polio syndrome, meaning she would likely become a quadriplegic. And then her husband betrayed her and moved out, leaving her to raise two adolescent daughters alone. This was not the abundant life she thought God had promised her. But, as Vaneetha discovered, everything she experienced was designed to draw her closer to Christ as she discovered "that intimacy with God in suffering can be breathtakingly beautiful."
P.D. Esta agenda/planner es mi favorita hasta el momento y créeme... he probado muchas... este librito para mamis me encantó también:
A Sky Full of Stars Learning to Surrender to God's Perfect Plans by Meg Apperson Narrated by Emily Ellet - RB Media
I loved the title of this book, and I really enjoyed A LOT the voice of Emily Ellet, she did a great job encapsulating the feelings and emotions in this book, great narrator. This is a real story and it is full of unexpected news for a mom. Is the story of her delivery and choices with doctors. Exasperation, disbelief, expectations crushed, you will get all her feels. I think this book could be a great gift for moms who deal with unexpected issues with the life of their children. It may be a little bit annoying if you don´t like to read about medical conditions, the author shares in-depth what they were going through. Expect 5 hours 37 minutes of pain, hardship, and a mom who tries to endure news after news of trials. Expect to be amazed by her sincerity, endurance and faith. All the time you will remember this: you can not do anything to sustain someone´s life or health, you are not in control... and to know that is to rest and know who really holds life together, yours and your family´s too.
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Bonhoeffer Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas - Nelson Books
Bonhoeffer Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas - Nelson Books
I love heroes. I just love to get into their brains. I love their thinking and their courage. Most of all I love people who act like heroes without knowing they will be famous because of their actions. It would be easy to act with courage, wisdom, and justice if you would know your life is being recorded and you have a contract because they will write a biography about you. That would not impress me. What I love about people in the past is that they act as they must, with selfishness and with sacrificially loving, even if nobody knows it or no one claps around. This is the case, I think that is why I like books like this so much. There where no cellphones and selfies around, no paparazzi involved. It is impossible to read about Dietrich Bonhoeffer without having a deep sense of what is truly important, about integrity, truth, courage, and the present and unavoidable fact that you will need to die and sacrifice in order to serve others. This biography is a treasure I want to involve my children in. You will walk to each chapter thankful for Bonhoeffer, but also for Eric Metaxas, who took the time and effort to leave this legacy into pages so we could cherish, a hero for me too. If you love justice, pastors, history, martyrs, prophets, deep thoughts, and challenges this book is for you. My prayer for this generation is to have more people of character with kindness and strong convictions, and the conviction to be faithful to God and love others to the end. Seriously get this book, and start reading now. It has been 10 years since the 1st one came out and it is still here, going strong (you will find some new things added to this edition). It is long, but it is worth it.
The runaway New York Times bestseller, revised and with a new introduction from the author.
Who better to face the greatest evil of the 20th-century than a humble man of faith?
As Adolf Hitler and the Nazis seduced a nation, bullied a continent, and attempted to exterminate the Jews of Europe, a small number of dissidents and saboteurs worked to dismantle the Third Reich from the inside. One of these was Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor and author. In his blockbuster New York Times bestselling biography, Eric Metaxas takes both strands of Bonhoeffer’s life—the theologian and the spy—and draws them together to tell a searing story of incredible moral courage in the face of monstrous evil. Metaxas presents the fullest accounting of Bonhoeffer’s heart-wrenching decision to leave the safe haven of America to return to Hitler’s Germany, and sheds new light on Bonhoeffer’s involvement in the famous Valkyrie plot and in “Operation 7,” the effort to smuggle Jews into neutral Switzerland. In a deeply moving narrative, Metaxas uses previously unavailable documents?including personal letters, detailed journal entries, and firsthand personal accounts? to reveal dimensions of Bonhoeffer's life and theology never before seen.
Includes Readers’ Guide
“[A] beautifully constructed biography.” —Alan Wolfe, The New Republic
“Metaxas tells Bonhoeffer’s story with passion and theological sophistication.” —Wall Street Journal
“[A] weighty, riveting analysis of the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.” —Publishers Weekly
“Metaxas presents Bonhoeffer as a clear-headed, deeply convicted Christian who submitted to no one and nothing except God and his Word.” —Christianity Today
“Metaxas has written a book that adds a new dimension to World War II, a new understanding of how evil can seize the soul of a nation and a man of faith can confront it.” —Thomas Fleming, author, The New Dealers’ War
“Metaxas has created a biography of uncommon power—intelligent, moving, well researched, vividly written, and rich in implication for our own lives. Or to put it another way: Buy this book. Read it. Then buy another copy and give it to a person you love. It’s that good.” —Archbishop Charles Chaput, First Things
"A definitive Bonhoeffer biography for the 21st century." —Kirkus Reviews
2011 ECPA Book of the Year2011 Canterbury Medal by the Becket Fund recognizing courage in the defense of religious liberty2011 Christopher Award winner highlighting the power of faith, courage, and actionHoping for Happiness Turning Life's Most Elusive Feeling into Lasting Reality by Barnabas Piper - The Good Book Company
Hoping for Happiness Turning Life's Most Elusive Feeling into Lasting Reality by Barnabas Piper - The Good Book Company
you can get it here:
I just had the opportunity to read/listen the new book by Barnabas Piper about happiness, (as you all may know, this is not a very common topic for me to read about). I enjoyed the clarity and simplicity Barnabas had to share his ideas, and that he point you to the fountain of life: Jesus. I enjoy audiobooks most when the audio is recorded by the author, everything changes when they add their own tone and style (you can find it in ONE Audiobooks). It is very uplifting to listen an author, their process and vulnerability while writing.
I would like to say to Barnabas is this, and leave it here on my blog so I can remember:
Thank you, Barnabas. Something happened while I was reading. I´m going through several processes in my life and for some reason, I wanted to read your book. I had several "aha" moments deep thoughts around your ideas, and I´m thankful for it because you ignited those, it was very helpful. I really like it when someone shares his voice even when they come from a family with other authors and that may be intimidating. I can relate in many things. I´m amazed how you were able to overcome all the trash people throws after a divorce, or comparison, (even when they don´t know you or know how hard it is to start again). You have keep going and I admire that, it is a great example to me in several other areas. I had never ever read about "Evangeliguilt", but it was kind of fun to read about it and also helpful to know how to "call" it (I´m not sure if you created or not the word). As I read/heard your content I was encouraged to keep my eyes on Jesus, leave behind all the burdens, to carry on with the best attitude and thankfulness no matter what, keep going even if I fall, not to think everything is said and done, and to remember the Word and Love of God is forever. Holiness and happiness coexist. We must show it.
Everyone wants to be happy, and we all pursue happiness in different ways. Some people are thrill-seekers; others are homebodies. Some people are loners; others love big families or communities. Some people express things creatively; others consume what is created. Some sing; others listen to music. Whatever we find happiness in, we are united by our desire for work that matters and relationships that fulfil.
As Christians, we often fall into the trap of basing our hopes on earthly things, even when we know they only make us happy for a short time. But how are we to experience happiness in this life? How do we avoid expecting too much of earthly things and being disappointed, or expecting too little and becoming cynics?
In this book, recovering cynic Barnabas Piper helps us to throw off both the unrealistic expectations that end in disappointment and the guilty sense that Christians are not meant to have fun. He shows how having a clear view of the reality of the fall and the promise of redemption frees us to live a life that's grounded, hopeful, and genuinely happy.
- 1. The American Dream
- 2. Expecting Too Little, Too Much, and Just Right
- 3. Hanging Happiness on the Right Hooks
- 4. We Live Cursed
- 5. Deal in Reality
- 6. Every Good and Perfect (and Fun) Gift
- 7. In This Life There Will Be Trouble
- 8. Don't Fear the Reaper
- 9. Pleasures Now and Forevermore
- 10. Happiness vs Holiness
- 11. The Pleasure of the Promise
- 12. Grounded Happiness
- 13. Finding Happiness
The 40-Day Social Media FastExchange Your Online Distractions for Real-Life Devotionby Wendy Speake - Baker Books
you can pre order it here
In the pattern of her popular 40-Day Sugar Fast, Wendy Speake offers you The 40-Day Social Media Fast. This "screen sabbatical" is designed to help you become fully conscious of your dependence on social media so you can purposefully unplug from screens and plug into real life with the help of a very real God. Take a break from everyone and everything you follow online. Disconnect in order to reconnect with the only One who said "follow me."
God Does His Best Work with Empty by Nancy Guthrie - Tyndale House Publishers
Caring for the souls of children, a biblical counselor´s manual by editor Amy Baker - New Growth Press
Caring for the souls of children by editor Amy Baker - New Growth Press

you can get it here:
This is the table of contents
Encouragement and Wisdom
for Counseling Children
New manual equips counselors, parents, and pastors to boldly trust in the sufficiency of Scripture for counseling.
Coming alongside struggling children can feel like an uphill battle. Yet children struggle with the same desires adults struggle with, are lured by the same lies adults fall prey to, and can find hope in the same source adults can find hope--in Jesus. This manual helps counselors share Christ--the way, the truth, and the life--while tailoring interactions and teachings to the understanding of children.
Caring for the Souls of Children equips counselors, parents, pastors, and other helpers who want to love children to boldly trust in the sufficiency of Scripture. Edited by counselor and author Amy Baker, this in-depth resource begins with an overview of foundational principles for counseling children and addresses a different counseling topic in each subsequent chapter. Topics addressed include a wide variety of general and specific issues that children face including anxiety, anger, abuse, suicidal thoughts and actions, self-harm, shame, grief, disability, disease, sexual identity, and many others. Articles are written by a wide range of biblical counselors, authors, and pastors who have worked with children for many years including Amy Baker, Julie Lowe, Marty Machowski, Jessica Thompson, Jonathan Holmes, Michael R. Emlet, Garrett Higbee, Edward T. Welch, Kevin Carson, Harvest USA, Charles Hodges, Joni and Friends, Bob Kellemen, and Pam Bauer.