Faith Is for Weak People Responding to the Top 20 Objections to the Gospel by Ray Comfort - Baker Books

Faith Is for Weak People Responding to the Top 20 Objections to the Gospel by Ray Comfort - Baker Books

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If you read this and then "Anyone But Me" I´m sure you found this one useful. I think we all need to grow in the evangelization area, in our culture it is very countercultural to go against comfort and object to someone is taken as an offense. May God help us to continue passing the torch of life to others. When I see or hear Ray Comfort I feel deep conviction, I think because I don´t find an alibi to scape. I would like to go through each point with my children, need to take time to do it. I´m glad this kind of material exists. This are the 20 points you will read and get ready to respond:

   1 Why is the world so out of control if God is in control of everything?
   2 How can a good God torture unbelievers in hell indefinitely? (Part One)
   3 How can a good God torture unbelievers in hell indefinitely? (Part Two)
   4 Why should I bother if there is an afterlife?
   5 How could a loving God allow suffering to happen in the world?
   6 Is the God of the Old Testament the same as that of the New Testament?
   7 When asked, would you sacrifice a child to God?
   8 Aren't religions the cause of many wars and sufferings?
   9 Why can't a loving God let gay people choose what they want?
   10 How could "sincere Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists" go to hell if they don't believe in the gospel?
   11 "Why are there so many hypocrites in the Church?"
   12  Why should we believe the Bible's account of creation?
   13  Isn't the Bible written by man? How could it then be error proof?
   14  Who made God?
   15 Why can't good people go to heaven?
   16 What about those who have not heard of the gospel?
   17 "Why does God allow evil?"
   18  “What’s so bad about other religions?”
   19 “Seeing is believing. Why do I need faith? Faith is for weak people.”
   20 “I can murder a hundred people, then give my heart to Jesus and go to Heaven?”



Pub date 30 april 2019

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