Talking Back to Purity Culture Rediscovering Faithful Christian Sexuality by Rachel Joy Welcher - InterVarsity Press

Talking Back to Purity Culture Rediscovering Faithful Christian Sexuality by Rachel Joy Welcher - InterVarsity Press

pub date: 10 nov 2020
you can pre order it here:

Since Dannah Gresh, Josh Harris, and Wendy Shalit's books about purity I have not read anything about this topic. I think this kind of book is disappearing, they are very countercultural. Sad, I know. Why sad? because even when I know and understand some people felt wronged or pushed by a toxic legalistic culture I do not support, I have to admit there is another generation growing up without a purity option, this topic is banned, left behind and fear about hurting someone is now the way to hurt, again for young and teens giving away purity for shallow and empty promises.

This topic must be expressed, explained, and talked about openly, with sincerity and grace. I do not support bullies or people who treat others like trash because they did not think about purity and lived licentious sexual lives, but I do believe we need to know the facts so we can decide and that won't happen if we don't know different perspectives and options while growing up. I think Rachel tried to explain that not anything goes without consequences. Sexual prosperity gospel can also make many empty promises to the ones who live pure lives. Purity is not merely physical. There is sexual legalism, and not so much emphasis in our minds, our thoughts. 

I'm very concerned about how this generation blames everything and everyone for their own mistakes or consequences of their decisions. That is a shame, it is painful. Everything you read, you judge, think about it and decide what are you going to implement as an action in your life.  I invite you to read and think critically about these topics, freedom, purity, shame, how to approach people who have wronged themselves or others. Even when I think this may be a sensitive topic for many, probably some may be brave enough to go through the discussion questions at the end of each chapter.   I think parents, youth, and teen leaders, or counselors must read this kind of content.


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